Three Years in Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Three Years in Europe.

Three Years in Europe eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 238 pages of information about Three Years in Europe.

We assembled at the London Bridge Railway Station on Tuesday morning the 21st, a few minutes past nine, to the number of 600.  The day was fine, and every eye seemed to glow with enthusiasm.  Besides the delegates, there were probably not less than 600 more, who had come to see the company start.  We took our seats and appeared to be waiting for nothing but the iron-horse to be fastened to the train, when all at once, we were informed that we must go to the booking-office and change our tickets.  At this news every one appeared to be vexed.  This caused great trouble; for on returning to the train many persons got into the wrong carriages; and several parties were separated from their friends, while not a few were calling out at the top of their voices, “Where is my wife?  Where is my husband?  Where is my luggage?  Who’s got my boy?  Is this the right train?” “What is that lady going to do with all these children?” asked the guard.  “Is she a delegate:  are all the children delegates?” In the carriage where I had taken my seat was a good-looking lady who gave signs of being very much annoyed.  “It is just so when I am going anywhere:  I never saw the like in my life,” said she.  “I really wish I was at home again.”

An hour had now elapsed, and we were still at the station.  However, we were soon on our way, and going at express speed.  In passing through Kent we enjoyed the scenery exceedingly, as the weather was altogether in our favour; and the drapery which nature hung on the trees, in the part through which we passed, was in all its gaiety.  On our arrival at Folkstone, we found three steamers in readiness to convey the party to Boulogne.  As soon as the train stopped, a general rush was made for the steamers; and in a very short time the one in which I had embarked was passing out of the harbour.  The boat appeared to be conscious that we were going on a holy mission, and seemed to be proud of her load.  There is nothing in this wide world so like a thing of life as a steamer, from the breathing of her steam and smoke, the energy of her motion, and the beauty of her shape; while the ease with which she is managed by the command of a single voice, makes her appear as obedient as the horse is to the rein.

When we were about half way between the two great European Powers, the officers began to gather the tickets.  The first to whom he applied, and who handed out his “Excursion Ticket,” was informed that we were all in the wrong boat.  “Is this not one of the boats to take over the delegates?” asked a pretty little lady, with a whining voice.  “No, Madam,” said the captain.  “You must look to the committee for your pay,” said one of the company to the captain.  “I have nothing to do with committees,” the captain replied.  “Your fare, Gentlemen, if you please.”

Project Gutenberg
Three Years in Europe from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.