“Come up, come up, for the world
is fair,
Where the merry leaves dance in the summer
And the birds below give back the cry,
“We come, we come to the branches
How pleasant the life of the birds must
Living in love in a leafy tree;
And away through the air what joy to go,
And to look on the green, bright earth
How pleasant the life of a bird must be,
Skimming about on the breezy sea,
Cresting the billows like silvery foam,
And then wheeling away to its cliff-built
What joy it must be to sail, upborne
By a strong, free wing, through the rosy
To meet the young sun, face to face,
And pierce, like a shaft, the boundless
How pleasant the life of a bird must be,
Wherever it listeth there to flee:
To go, when a joyful fancy calls,
Dashing down, ’mong the waterfalls;
Then wheeling about, with its mates at
Above and below, and among the spray,
Hither and thither, with screams as wild
As the laughing mirth of a rosy child!
What a joy it must be, like a living breeze,
To flutter among the flowering trees;
Lightly to soar, and to see beneath,
The wastes of the blossoming purple heath,
And the yellow furze, like fields of gold,
That gladden some fairy region old.
On mountain tops, on the billowy sea,
On the leafy stems of the forest tree,
How pleasant the life of a bird must be!
* * * * *
Directions for Reading.—The words of the first line of the poem, when repeated on pages 157 and 158, should be slightly emphasized.[10]
Point out the lines on page 157 which would be joined in reading.
Let the class read one or more stanzas of the poem in concert.
[10] This lesson, Lesson XXXII.
* * * * *
stroll’ing, wandering on foot.
quaint, unusual; curious looking.
con sult’ed, asked advice of.
roy’al, belonging to a king or a queen.
en ter tain’, receive and care for.
court’esy, politeness of manners.
bod’ice, an article of clothing.
loy’al ty, love of one’s country or ruler.
a miss’, out of the way; wrong.
tri’fles, articles small in size or value.
mut’tered, said in a low voice.
ad mis’sion, permission to enter.
* * * * *
Prince George, the husband of Queen Anne of England, one time visited the town of Bristol, having with him as a companion, an officer of his household.