New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.
mist. slopes, declines by degrees. slum’ber, sleep. sly’ness, cunning; artfulness. smites, strikes, as with a weapon. snort’ing, forcing the air through the nose with a loud noise. soaked, moistened throughout. soar, fly high. sought (sawt), tried; went in search of. spared, saved from death or punishment. splut’ter ing, boiling noisily; speaking hastily. spout, run out with force. sprained, injured by straining. spurred, urged; encouraged. stale, not new; not fresh. stee’ples, high towers ending in a point. stern, hind part of a boat. stock, supply on hand. stout, large; broad. strain’ing, exerting to the utmost. strict, severe; exact. stub’by, short and thick. sub’stan ces, bodies; matters. suc ceed’ed, obtained the object desired. suf’fered, felt pain. sul’try, very hot; burning. sup port’, prop; pillar. sus pect’ed, thought; considered quite probable. sus pi’cious, indicating fear; inclined to suspect.


tab’let, a flat piece of stone. tac’tics, disciplined movements. tem’per, way of acting. tem’ple, a place for worship. ten’drils, tender branches of plants. ter’ri fied, filled with fear. ter’ri to ry, a large tract of land. ter’ror, fear; dread. thieves persons who steal. thirst, strong desire for drink. thith’er, to that place. thorns, woody points on some trees and shrubs. thor’ough, complete; perfect. thread’bare, worn out. thrives, prospers; flourishes. till’er, the bar used to turn the rudder of a boat. ti’tle, a name. tor’rid, violently hot. trace, mark; appearance. tract, a region. treb’les, the higher parts in music. trick’led, flowed in drops. trop’ic al, belonging to the tropics. tuft, a cluster or bunch. tun’nels, passages; openings. twinge, a sudden, sharp pain. twink’ling, a quick movement. twit’ter ing, a trembling noise.


uncom’forta ble, causing uneasiness; not pleasant. un der neath’, below; beneath. un der take’, attempt. un ea’si ness, want of ease. un grate’ful, not thankful. u nit’ed, joined; combined. un man’ly, not worthy of a man. un ru’ly, not submissive. un scarred’, not marked. urg’ing, encouraging. ut’most, to the furthest point.


val’u a ble, of great value. vel’vet, a soft material woven from silk. ver’min, little animals or insects. vic’tims, persons destroyed in pursuit of an object. vic’tor, one who conquers. vi’o lence, force; power. virt’u ous, inclined to do right.


Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.