tab’let, a flat piece of stone. tac’tics, disciplined movements. tem’per, way of acting. tem’ple, a place for worship. ten’drils, tender branches of plants. ter’ri fied, filled with fear. ter’ri to ry, a large tract of land. ter’ror, fear; dread. thieves persons who steal. thirst, strong desire for drink. thith’er, to that place. thorns, woody points on some trees and shrubs. thor’ough, complete; perfect. thread’bare, worn out. thrives, prospers; flourishes. till’er, the bar used to turn the rudder of a boat. ti’tle, a name. tor’rid, violently hot. trace, mark; appearance. tract, a region. treb’les, the higher parts in music. trick’led, flowed in drops. trop’ic al, belonging to the tropics. tuft, a cluster or bunch. tun’nels, passages; openings. twinge, a sudden, sharp pain. twink’ling, a quick movement. twit’ter ing, a trembling noise.
uncom’forta ble, causing uneasiness; not pleasant. un der neath’, below; beneath. un der take’, attempt. un ea’si ness, want of ease. un grate’ful, not thankful. u nit’ed, joined; combined. un man’ly, not worthy of a man. un ru’ly, not submissive. un scarred’, not marked. urg’ing, encouraging. ut’most, to the furthest point.
val’u a ble, of great value. vel’vet, a soft material woven from silk. ver’min, little animals or insects. vic’tims, persons destroyed in pursuit of an object. vic’tor, one who conquers. vi’o lence, force; power. virt’u ous, inclined to do right.