New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.


quilt’ed, stitched together with some soft substance between. quo ta’tions, portions of writings.


range, reach, as of a gun. ranks, regular rows or lines, as of soldiers. ray, light; a line of light or heat proceeding from a certain point. read’i ly, without trouble or difficulty; easily. reap, gather by cutting, as a harvest. re call’ing, thinking of; bringing back to mind. re con sid’er, think of again; change one’s mind. rec’ords, stories; descriptions of events. re gard’ed, considered; looked at earnestly. re late’, tell. re lig’ious, relating to religion. re main’der, the rest; what is left. re mind’, call attention to for a second time. re moved’, moved away; took off. rent’ed, gave possession of for pay. re paired’, mended. re placed’, put in place of another. rep re sent’, picture; tell about in an effective manner. re quire’, need; demand. re sist’, stand against; oppose with force. re spect’, regard. re tire’, withdraw; turn back. re volv’er, a fire-arm with several chambers or barrels. rid, free. ridg’es, a long range of hills; steep places. ri’fle, a gun having the inside of the barrel grooved. rind, the outside coat, as of fruit. risk, danger; peril. riv’u let, a small river or brook. rob’ber, one who commits a robbery. ro man’tic, strange and interesting, as a romantic story. rouse, awake; excite. ru’in, that change of any thing which destroys it. rust’y, covered with rust on account of long disuse.


sake, purpose; reason. sap, the juice of plants. sat’in, a glossy cloth made of silk. scene, picture; view. schol’ars, men of learning; those who attend school. scorch’ing, burning slightly; affecting by heat. scoured, made clean and bright. scram’bled, moved with difficulty. scum, that which rises to the surface; worthless matter. se’ri ous, severe; sad in appearance. serv’ice, duty, as of a soldier. se vere’, violent; hard. shab’by, worn to rags; poor in appearance. shag’gy, rough. shal’lows, places where the water is not deep. shat’tered, broken; broken at once into many pieces. sheath, a covering for a sword. shep’herd, one who has the care of sheep. shield, a broad piece of armor carried on the arm. shock, a sudden striking against. shriek, a sharp, shrill cry on account of surprise or pain. siege, a closing in on all sides of a fortified place. sighs, stifled groans; long breaths. skein, a number of threads of silk or yarn. skel’e ton, bony frame-work of the body. skull, the bony case which encloses the brain. sleet, frozen

Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.