quilt’ed, stitched together with some soft substance between. quo ta’tions, portions of writings.
range, reach, as of a gun. ranks, regular rows or lines, as of soldiers. ray, light; a line of light or heat proceeding from a certain point. read’i ly, without trouble or difficulty; easily. reap, gather by cutting, as a harvest. re call’ing, thinking of; bringing back to mind. re con sid’er, think of again; change one’s mind. rec’ords, stories; descriptions of events. re gard’ed, considered; looked at earnestly. re late’, tell. re lig’ious, relating to religion. re main’der, the rest; what is left. re mind’, call attention to for a second time. re moved’, moved away; took off. rent’ed, gave possession of for pay. re paired’, mended. re placed’, put in place of another. rep re sent’, picture; tell about in an effective manner. re quire’, need; demand. re sist’, stand against; oppose with force. re spect’, regard. re tire’, withdraw; turn back. re volv’er, a fire-arm with several chambers or barrels. rid, free. ridg’es, a long range of hills; steep places. ri’fle, a gun having the inside of the barrel grooved. rind, the outside coat, as of fruit. risk, danger; peril. riv’u let, a small river or brook. rob’ber, one who commits a robbery. ro man’tic, strange and interesting, as a romantic story. rouse, awake; excite. ru’in, that change of any thing which destroys it. rust’y, covered with rust on account of long disuse.
sake, purpose; reason. sap, the juice of plants. sat’in, a glossy cloth made of silk. scene, picture; view. schol’ars, men of learning; those who attend school. scorch’ing, burning slightly; affecting by heat. scoured, made clean and bright. scram’bled, moved with difficulty. scum, that which rises to the surface; worthless matter. se’ri ous, severe; sad in appearance. serv’ice, duty, as of a soldier. se vere’, violent; hard. shab’by, worn to rags; poor in appearance. shag’gy, rough. shal’lows, places where the water is not deep. shat’tered, broken; broken at once into many pieces. sheath, a covering for a sword. shep’herd, one who has the care of sheep. shield, a broad piece of armor carried on the arm. shock, a sudden striking against. shriek, a sharp, shrill cry on account of surprise or pain. siege, a closing in on all sides of a fortified place. sighs, stifled groans; long breaths. skein, a number of threads of silk or yarn. skel’e ton, bony frame-work of the body. skull, the bony case which encloses the brain. sleet, frozen