New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.
power of recalling past events. mer’chants, those who buy goods to sell again. mil’i ta ry, belonging to soldiers, to arms, or to war. mis’er y, great unhappiness; extreme pain. mod’ern, of recent date; belonging to the present time. mon’ster, something of unusual size, shape, or quality. mon’u ments, those things which stand to remind us of the past. mound, a small hill, natural or artificial. mo’tion, movement; change of position. must’y, spoiled by age; of a sour smell.


neigh’bor, a person who lives near one. nerved, strengthened; supplied with force. night’-mare, an unpleasant sensation during sleep. nim’bly, actively; in a nimble manner.


o be’di ence, willingness to submit to commands. o bliged’, forced; compelled. oc’cu pied, taken possession of; employed. of’fi cer, one who holds an office. off’ing, a part of the sea at a distance from the shore. om’ni bus es, large, four-wheeled carriages. on’ion (un’yun), a root much used for food. out’posts, advanced stations, as of an army. o ver come’, affected; overpowered by force.


pace, rate of movement. pal’ace, a splendid dwelling, as of a king. par take’, share; take part in. patch, small piece of any thing, as of ground. paus’es, short stops; rests. pave’ments, coverings for streets, of stone or solid materials. peb’bles, small, roundish stones, worn by the action of water. per cus’sion, requiring to be struck; the act of striking. per’fume, scent or odor of sweet-smelling substances. pe’ri od, portion of time; an interval. per’ished, died; were destroyed. per mis’sion, the act of allowing; consent. pic’nick ing, having an outdoor party. pier, a landing-place for vessels. pierce, force a way into or through an object. pil’lars, columns; huge masses. pin’cers, jaws; pinchers. pit’e ous, fitted to excite pity; sorrowful. pit’falls, pits slightly covered for concealment. plan ta’tions, farms of great extent. plots, small pieces of ground, as garden plots. plucked, pulled out or off. plunged, dove; fell. po’et, a maker of verses. pol’ished, made bright and smooth by rubbing. po lite’, obliging; pleasant in manner. por’tion, a part; that which is divided off. prat’tling, childish; talking like a child. preach’ing, speaking in public upon a religious subject. pres’ent ly, soon; in a short time. prey, any thing taken by force from an enemy. pri’vate, not publicly known; peculiar to one’s self. pro ces’sion, regular movement, as of soldiers. prod’ucts, fruits; that which is brought forth. proved, turned out; showed the truth of. pro vid’ed, furnished; supplied with necessary articles. puff’ing, swelling with air; blowing in short, sudden whiffs. pure, clear; free from other matter.

Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.