neigh’bor, a person who lives near one. nerved, strengthened; supplied with force. night’-mare, an unpleasant sensation during sleep. nim’bly, actively; in a nimble manner.
o be’di ence, willingness to submit to commands. o bliged’, forced; compelled. oc’cu pied, taken possession of; employed. of’fi cer, one who holds an office. off’ing, a part of the sea at a distance from the shore. om’ni bus es, large, four-wheeled carriages. on’ion (un’yun), a root much used for food. out’posts, advanced stations, as of an army. o ver come’, affected; overpowered by force.
pace, rate of movement. pal’ace, a splendid dwelling, as of a king. par take’, share; take part in. patch, small piece of any thing, as of ground. paus’es, short stops; rests. pave’ments, coverings for streets, of stone or solid materials. peb’bles, small, roundish stones, worn by the action of water. per cus’sion, requiring to be struck; the act of striking. per’fume, scent or odor of sweet-smelling substances. pe’ri od, portion of time; an interval. per’ished, died; were destroyed. per mis’sion, the act of allowing; consent. pic’nick ing, having an outdoor party. pier, a landing-place for vessels. pierce, force a way into or through an object. pil’lars, columns; huge masses. pin’cers, jaws; pinchers. pit’e ous, fitted to excite pity; sorrowful. pit’falls, pits slightly covered for concealment. plan ta’tions, farms of great extent. plots, small pieces of ground, as garden plots. plucked, pulled out or off. plunged, dove; fell. po’et, a maker of verses. pol’ished, made bright and smooth by rubbing. po lite’, obliging; pleasant in manner. por’tion, a part; that which is divided off. prat’tling, childish; talking like a child. preach’ing, speaking in public upon a religious subject. pres’ent ly, soon; in a short time. prey, any thing taken by force from an enemy. pri’vate, not publicly known; peculiar to one’s self. pro ces’sion, regular movement, as of soldiers. prod’ucts, fruits; that which is brought forth. proved, turned out; showed the truth of. pro vid’ed, furnished; supplied with necessary articles. puff’ing, swelling with air; blowing in short, sudden whiffs. pure, clear; free from other matter.