New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.

New National Fourth Reader eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 258 pages of information about New National Fourth Reader.


hatch, the cover for an opening in a vessel’s deck. heath, a meadow; cheerless tract of country. hedg’es, thickets of bushes. hemmed, shut in; surrounded. hence forth’, hereafter. he’ro, a brave man. high’way, a public road. hint, something intended to give notice. hitched, tied; fastened. hith’er, in this direction. hogs’head, a large cask. hoot’ing, crying; shouting. hor’ri ble, dreadful; terrible. howl’ing, crying like a dog or wolf. hub’bub, a great noise; uproar. husk, the outside covering of certain fruits. hust’le, shake; push roughly.


i de’a, thought. ill’-nat ured, cross; bad-tempered. im ag’ine, think; consider. im me’di ate ly, without delay. im pos’si ble, not possible. in de pend’ence, the state of being free. in for ma’tion, news; knowledge. in formed’, told; gave notice of. in hab’i tants, persons living in a place. in’jured, hurt; harmed. in’stant ly, at once; without loss of time. in tent’, eager; anxious. in vi ta’tions, requests for one’s company. is’sue, come forth; flow out.


jag’ged, having sharp points. jew’els (ju’els), precious stones. jin’gling, giving forth fine, sharp sounds.


kern’el, the eatable part of a nut; a little grain or corn.


la’bor, work; toil. lapse, passing away. las’sie, a young girl; a lass. lat’ter, last-named; nearer. launched, put into the water laws, rules of action. leath’er, the skins of animals prepared for use. ledge, shelf of rocks. lee’ward, that part toward which the wind blows. leop’ard, a large animal of the cat kind. lest, for fear that. lev’el, smooth and flat; of equal height. lin’ing, inside covering. lint, linen scraped into a soft substance. liq’uid, any fluid, like water. lisp’ing ly, with a lisp. liv’er y, a peculiar dress. load’stone, a kind of magnetic ore. loft’y, very high. low’ered, let down. lub’ber, a heavy, clumsy fellow. luck’y, fortunate; meeting with good success. lum’ber, timber sawed or split for use; boards.


main’ly, mostly; chiefly. mam’moth, of great size. man’aged, controlled; brought to do one’s wishes. mane, the long hair on a horse’s neck. man’tel, a narrow shelf over a fire-place, with its support. mar’gin, edge; border. mark’et, a place where things are sold. mark’ings, marks; stamped places. mean’time, during the interval; meanwhile. mel’low ing, ripening; growing soft. melt’ed, changed to a liquid form by the action of heat. mem’o ry, the

Project Gutenberg
New National Fourth Reader from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.