hatch, the cover for an opening in a vessel’s deck. heath, a meadow; cheerless tract of country. hedg’es, thickets of bushes. hemmed, shut in; surrounded. hence forth’, hereafter. he’ro, a brave man. high’way, a public road. hint, something intended to give notice. hitched, tied; fastened. hith’er, in this direction. hogs’head, a large cask. hoot’ing, crying; shouting. hor’ri ble, dreadful; terrible. howl’ing, crying like a dog or wolf. hub’bub, a great noise; uproar. husk, the outside covering of certain fruits. hust’le, shake; push roughly.
i de’a, thought. ill’-nat ured, cross; bad-tempered. im ag’ine, think; consider. im me’di ate ly, without delay. im pos’si ble, not possible. in de pend’ence, the state of being free. in for ma’tion, news; knowledge. in formed’, told; gave notice of. in hab’i tants, persons living in a place. in’jured, hurt; harmed. in’stant ly, at once; without loss of time. in tent’, eager; anxious. in vi ta’tions, requests for one’s company. is’sue, come forth; flow out.
jag’ged, having sharp points. jew’els (ju’els), precious stones. jin’gling, giving forth fine, sharp sounds.
kern’el, the eatable part of a nut; a little grain or corn.
la’bor, work; toil. lapse, passing away. las’sie, a young girl; a lass. lat’ter, last-named; nearer. launched, put into the water laws, rules of action. leath’er, the skins of animals prepared for use. ledge, shelf of rocks. lee’ward, that part toward which the wind blows. leop’ard, a large animal of the cat kind. lest, for fear that. lev’el, smooth and flat; of equal height. lin’ing, inside covering. lint, linen scraped into a soft substance. liq’uid, any fluid, like water. lisp’ing ly, with a lisp. liv’er y, a peculiar dress. load’stone, a kind of magnetic ore. loft’y, very high. low’ered, let down. lub’ber, a heavy, clumsy fellow. luck’y, fortunate; meeting with good success. lum’ber, timber sawed or split for use; boards.
main’ly, mostly; chiefly. mam’moth, of great size. man’aged, controlled; brought to do one’s wishes. mane, the long hair on a horse’s neck. man’tel, a narrow shelf over a fire-place, with its support. mar’gin, edge; border. mark’et, a place where things are sold. mark’ings, marks; stamped places. mean’time, during the interval; meanwhile. mel’low ing, ripening; growing soft. melt’ed, changed to a liquid form by the action of heat. mem’o ry, the