earth’quake, a shaking or trembling of the earth. ech’oes, is heard. ef fects’, results. ef’fort (furt), struggle; attempt. em brace’, clasp; grasp. em’pire, the country of an emperor. en’e my, one who hates another. en gaged’, occupied; taken. en’gines, machines used for applying force. en raged’, made very angry. en tire’, whole. ere, before. er’rand, short journeys on business. ex am’ple, a pattern; a copy. ex’cel lent (ek), very good. ex cep’tion, that which is left out or omitted. ex cite’ment, intense feeling. ex cla ma’tion, a cry; that which is cried out. ex’er cise, bodily exertion. ex hi bi’tion, show; display. ex pla na’tion, that which makes clear. ex ten’sive ly, widely; largely. ex’tra, more than usual.
fac’to ries, places where things are made. fare well’, good-by. fa’vors, kind acts. fear’less ly, without fear. feast, a joyous meal. feat, a difficult act. fee’ble, weak; sickly. fer’ry, a place to cross a river. fig’ured, ornamented with marks. file, a row of soldiers ranged behind one another. flanks, the fleshy parts of the sides of animals. flee, to run away. flood, great flow of water. flour, ground wheat. flu’id, water, or any liquid. foot’men, male servants. for ma’tions, things of certain shape or form. for’tress, a fort; a castle. fort’une, chance; luck. frol’ic some, merry; playful. fu’el, material for fire.
gal’lop, a rapid movement, as of horses. gar’ret, the upper room of a house. gems, precious stones. gen’eral ly, usually; commonly. gleam’ing, shining brightly. glee, joy; happiness. glim’mer, a faint light. glis’ten ing, sparkling; shining. globe, the earth; a round body. glo’ri ous, grand; splendid. glos’sy, smooth; shining. gor’ges, narrow passages. gos’sip, foolish talk. gov’ern ment, the power that controls a people. grand, large; imposing. grum’bled, complained; found fault with. guard, that which protects. guests, visitors. gur’gling, flowing in a noisy current.