un a vail’ing, useless; not helping in any way.
jus’tice, honesty; what is right.
* * * * *
If Fortune, with a smiling face,
Strew roses on our way,
When shall we stoop to pick them up?—
To-day, my friend, to-day.
But should she frown with face of care,
And talk of coming sorrow,
When shall we grieve, if grieve we must?—
To-morrow, friend, to-morrow.
If those who have wronged us own their
And kindly pity pray,
When shall we listen and forgive?—
To-day, my friend, to-day.
But if stern justice urge rebuke,
And warmth from memory borrow,
When shall we chide, if chide we dare?—
To-morrow, friend, to-morrow.
If those to whom we owe a debt
Are harmed unless we pay,
When shall we struggle to be just?—
To-day, my friend, to-day.
But if our debtor fail our hope,
And plead his ruin thorough,
When shall we weigh his breach of faith?—
To-morrow, friend, to-morrow.
For virtuous acts and harmless joys
The minutes will not stay;—
We have always time to welcome them
To-day, my friend, to-day.
But care, resentment, angry words,
And unavailing sorrow,
Come far too soon, if they appear
To-morrow, friend, to-morrow.
* * * * *
Directions for Reading.—Let some pupil in the class state the manner in which the lesson should be read.
What is the effect of repeating the words to-day and to-morrow, in the fourth and eighth lines of each stanza?
* * * * *
Language Lesson.—Let pupils give the meaning of each stanza in their own words.
Warmth from memory borrow means become more angry when we remember our own acts of kindness toward the person now doing us injury.
Explain the meaning of the following expressions.
Strew roses on our way.
Breach of faith.
* * * * *
ref’uge, a place of safety.
fo’li age, leaves and branches of trees or shrubs.
op pressed’, heavily burdened.
be tray’, give information to an enemy.
con trived’, managed; arranged.
rec’og nized, knew by seeing.
ren’der, give; make.
im’mi nent, close by; threatening.
com pel’, make one do any thing.
cav’al ry, soldiers mounted on horses.
false, not true; unreal.
re spond’ed, answered; replied.