At last I got very sleepy, as well I might, for it was nearly twelve o’clock. Papa made me lie down and said he thought he would do so himself; not thinking he said, it was necessary to shew so much courtesy to the ghost, as wait for it. We did not undress. Davy fixed himself before the, fire and soon gave proof, that he was asleep, by snoring most loudly.
Mind my dear Charles, in giving you this account, that papa told me about it afterwards; for I had fallen asleep too.
Till five minutes to twelve all was quiet as the grave, and then commenced the slamming of the doors and knockings, and thumpings, as if done with the instrument the paviours use to beat down the stones they pave with. This continued some minutes, and then the door gradually opened, and a female, tall and thin, entered, dressed in an old fashioned yellow brocade, with a sweeping train. Over her head was thrown an immense gauze veil; her features were sharp and she was very pale. She paused as she entered, and advancing half way from the door to the bed she again made a full stop, upon which papa rose up and sat on the bed, when she threw out her arms, exclaiming:
“Impious and daring mortal; why presumest thou to intrude here, where none like thee are permitted to come? Of all those who have attempted it. None have ever been left to tell the tale!”
“Indeed!” said my father advancing towards her. “I trust you will make me an exception, however.”
“Hold!” said she “nor dare come nigh to one, whose nature is so different to thine own.”
“Aye!” said my father “who then and what art thou?”
“Not flesh and blood as thou art; again I ask, rash mortal, why are thou here?”
“I remained this night, madam, in the hopes of meeting you, that I might inform you that having purchased this property, I purpose residing on it, at least six months of the year, consequently, I must request you and your friends, supernatural or human, to quit the place altogether.”
“Many before,” said she, “have tried, but vainly, to retain possession and to attempt it would be fatal.”
“Enough,” said my father drawing a pistol from a belt under his coat, “if you are really of a spiritual nature, my weapon will be harmless, if you are not, the consequences be upon your own head.” As he spoke he pointed the pistol at her heart. With a courage worthy a better cause, she darted by him and tried one or two of the wainscot panels as if seeking a private spring, which Davy who, was fully awake by this time perceiving, sprang up, and caught hold of her, grasping her tightly; she wrestled with him with the strength of a lioness, and but for papa’s help, she must have escaped; he now fired the pistol at the wainscot, to show her it really contained a slug, which he thought she might doubt, and taking the fellow instrument from his pocket, told her it was loaded like the other and that, unless she that moment really and truly confessed who and what she was, and by whom employed, her hours were numbered.