How to Teach Religion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about How to Teach Religion.

How to Teach Religion eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 220 pages of information about How to Teach Religion.

1 Open-minded, inquiring, broad
         Narrow, dogmatic, not hungry for truth

2 Accurate, thorough, discerning
         Indefinite, superficial, lazy

3 Judicious, balanced, fair
         Prejudiced, led by likes and dislikes

4 Original, independent, resourceful
         Dependent, imitative, subservient

5 Decisive, possessing convictions
         Uncertain, wavering, undecided

6 Cheerful, joyous, optimistic
         Gloomy, morose, pessimistic, bitter

7 Amiable, friendly, agreeable
         Repellent, unsociable, disagreeable

8 Democratic, broadly sympathetic
         Snobbish, self-centered, exclusive

9 Tolerant, sense of humor, generous
         Opinionated, dogmatic, intolerant

10 Kind, courteous, tactful
         Cruel, rude, untactful

11 Tractable, cooperative, teachable
         Stubborn, not able to work with others

12 Loyal, honorable, dependable
         Disloyal, uncertain dependability

13 Executive, forceful, vigorous
         Uncertain, weak, not capable

14 High ideals, worthy, exalted
         Low standards, base, contemptible

15 Modest, self-effacing
         Egotistical, vain, autocratic

16 Courageous, daring, firm
         Overcautious, weak, vacillating

17 Honest, truthful, frank, sincere
         Low standards of honor and truth

18 Patient, calm, equable
         Irritable, excitable, moody

19 Generous, open-hearted, forgiving
         Stingy, selfish, resentful

20 Responsive, congenial
         Cold, repulsive, uninviting

21 Punctual, on schedule, capable
         Tardy, usually behindhand, incapable

22 Methodical, consistent, logical
         Haphazard, desultory, inconsistent

23 Altruistic, given to service
         Indifferent, not socially-minded

24 Refined, alive to beauty, artistic
         Coarse, lacking aesthetic quality

25 Self-controlled, decision, purpose
         Suggestible, easily led, uncertain

26 Good physical carriage, dignity
         Lack of poise, ill posture, no grace

27 Taste in attire, cleanliness, pride
         Careless in dress, frumpy, no pride

28 Face smiling, voice pleasing
         Somber expression, voice unpleasant

29 Physical endurance, vigor, strength
         Quickly tired, weak, sluggish

30 Spiritual responsiveness strong
         Spiritually weak, inconstant, uncertain

31 Prayer life warm, satisfying
         Prayer cold, formal, little comfort

32 Religious certainty, peace, quiet
         Conflict, strain, uncertainty

33 Religious experience expanding
         Spiritual life static or losing force

Project Gutenberg
How to Teach Religion from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.