The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

936. Theseus is set at liberty by Hercules.

934.  The hunting of the Calydonian boar slain by Meleager.

930. Amenophis, with an army out of Ethiopia and Thebais, invades the lower Egypt, conquers Osarsiphus, and drives out the Jews and Canaanites:  and this is reckoned the second expulsion of the Shepherds. Calycopis dies, and is Deified by Thoas with Temples at Paphos and Amathus in Cyprus, and at Byblus in Syria, and with Priests and sacred Rites, and becomes the Venus of the ancients, and the Dea Cypria and Dea Syria.  And from these and other places where Temples were erected to her, she was also called Paphia, Amathusia, Byblia, Cytherea, Salaminia, Cnidia, Erycina, Idalia, &c.  And her three waiting-women became the three Graces.

928.  The war of the seven Captains against Thebes.

927. Hercules and AEsculapius are Deified. Eurystheus drives the Heraclides out of Peloponnesus.  He is slain by Hyllus the son of Hercules. Atreus the son of Pelops succeeds him in the Kingdom of Mycenae. Menestheus, the great grandson of Erechtheus, Reigns at Athens.

925. Theseus is slain, being cast down from a rock.

924. Hyllus invading Peloponnesus is slain by Echemus.

919. Atreus dies. Agamemnon Reigns.  In the absence of Menelaus, who went to look after what his father Atreus had left to him, Paris steals Helena.

918.  The second war against Thebes.

912. Thoas, King of Cyprus and part of Phoenicia dies; and for making armour for the Kings of Egypt; is Deified with a sumptuous Temple at Memphis by the name of Baal Canaan, Vulcan.  This Temple was said to be built by Menes, the first King of Egypt who reigned next after the Gods, that is, by Menoph or Amenophis who reigned next after the death of Osiris, Isis, Orus, Bubaste and Thoth.  The city, Memphis was also said to be built by Menes; he began to build it when he fortified it against Osarsiphus.  And from him it was called Menoph, Moph, Noph, &c; and is to this day called Menuf by the Arabians.  And therefore Menes who built the city and temple Was Menoph or Amenophis.  The Priests of Egypt at length made this temple above a thousand years older then Amenophis, and some of them five or ten thousand years older:  but it could not be above two or three hundred years older than the Reign of Psammiticus who finished it, and died 614 years before Christ.  When Menoph or Menes built the city, he built a bridge there over the Nile:  a work too great to be older than the Monarchy of Egypt.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.