The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

944.  The Ethiopians, under Amenophis, retire from the lower Egypt and fortify Memphis against Osarsiphus.  And by these wars and the Argonautic expedition, the great Empire of Egypt breaks in pieces. Eurystheus the son of Sthenelus Reigns in Mycenae.

943. Evander and his mother Carmenta carry Letters into Italy.

942. Orpheus Deifies the son of Semele by the name of Bacchus, and appoints his Ceremonies.

940.  The great men of Greece, hearing of the civil wars and distractions of Egypt, resolve to send an embassy to the nations, upon the Euxine and Mediterranean Seas, subject to that Empire, and for that end order the building of the ship Argo.

939.  The ship Argo is built after the pattern of the long ship in which Danaus came into Greece:  and this was the first long ship built by the Greeks. Chiron, who was born in the Golden Age, forms the Constellations for the use of the Argonauts; and places the Solstitial and Equinoctial Points in the fifteenth degrees or middles of the Constellations of Cancer, Chelae, Capricorn, and Aries. Meton in the year of Nabonassar 316, observed the Summer Solstice in the eighth degree of Cancer, and therefore the Solstice had then gone back seven degrees.  It goes back one degree in about seventytwo years, and seven degrees in about 504 years.  Count these years back from the year of Nabonassar 316, and they will place the Argonautic expedition about 936 years before Christ. Gingris the son of Thoas slain, and Deified by the name of Adonis.

938. Theseus, being fifty years old, steals Helena then seven years old. Pirithous the son of Ixion, endeavouring to steal Persephone the daughter of Orcus King of the Molossians, is slain by the Dog of Orcus; and his companion Theseus is taken and imprisoned. Helena is set at liberty by her brothers.

937.  The Argonautic expedition. Prometheus leaves Mount Caucasus, being set at liberty by Hercules. Laomedon King of Troy is slain by Hercules. Priam succeeds him. Talus a brazen man, of the Brazen Age, the son of Minos, is slain by the Argonauts. AEsculapius and Hercules were Argonauts, and Hippocrates was the eighteenth from AEsculapius by the father’s side, and the nineteenth from Hercules by the mother’s side; and because these generations, being noted in history, were most probably by the chief of the family, and for the most part by the eldest sons; we may reckon 28 or at the most 30 years to a generation:  and thus the seventeen intervals by the father’s side and eighteen by the mother’s, will at a middle reckoning amount unto about 507 years; which being counted backwards from the beginning of the Peloponnesian war, at which time Hippocrates began to flourish, will reach up to the time where we have placed the Argonautic expedition.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.