The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

963. Amphictyon brings the twelve Gods of Egypt into Greece, and these are the Dii magni majorum gentium, to whom the Earth and Planets and Elements are dedicated.

962. Phryxus and Helle fly from their stepmother Ino the daughter of Cadmus. Helle is drowned in the Hellespont, so named from her, but Phryxus arrived at Colchos.

960.  The war between the Lapithae and the people of Thessaly called Centaurs.

958. Oedipus kills his father Laius. Sthenelus the son of Perseus Reigns in Mycene.

956. Sesac is slain by his brother Japetus, who after death was deified in Afric by the name of Neptune, and called Typhon by the Egyptians. Orus Reigns and routs the Libyans, who under the conduct of Japetus, and his Son Antaeus or Atlas, invaded Egypt. Sesac from his making the river Nile useful, by cutting channels from it to all the cities of Egypt, was called by its names, Sihor or Siris, Nilus and Egyptus.  The Greeks hearing the Egyptians lament, O Siris and Bou Siris, called him Osiris and Busiris.  The Arabians from his great acts called him Bacchus, that is, the Great.  The Phrygians called him Ma-fors or Mavors, the valiant, and by contraction Mars.  Because he set up pillars in all his conquests, and his army in his father’s Reign fought against the Africans with clubs, he is painted with pillars and a club:  and this is that Hercules who, according to Cicero, was born upon the Nile, and according to Eudoxus, was slain by Typhon; and according to Diodorus, was an Egyptian, and went over a great part of the world, and set up the pillars in Afric.  He seems to be also the Belus who, according to Diodorus, led a Colony of Egyptians to Babylon, and there instituted Priests called Chaldeans, who were free from taxes, and observed the stars, as in Egypt.  Hitherto Judah and Israel laboured under great vexations, but henceforward Asa King of Judah had peace ten years.

947.  The Ethiopians invade Egypt, and drown Orus in the Nile.  Thereupon Bubaste the sister of Orus kills herself, by falling from the top of an house, and their mother Isis or Astraea goes mad:  and thus ended the Reign of the Gods of Egypt.

946. Zerah the Ethiopian is overthrown by Asa.  The people of the lower Egypt make Osarsiphus their King, and call in two hundred thousand Jews and Phoenicians against the Ethiopians. Menes or Amenophis the young son of Zerah and Cissia Reigns.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.