The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

1002. Sesac Reigns in Egypt and adorns Thebes, dedicating it to his father Ammon by the name of No-Ammon or Ammon-No, that is the people or city of Ammon:  whence the Greeks called it Diospolis, the city of Jupiter. Sesac also erected Temples and Oracles to his father in Thebes, Ammonia, and Ethiopia, and thereby caused his father to be worshipped as a God in those countries, and I think also in Arabia Foelix:  and this was the original of the worship of Jupiter Ammon, and the first mention of Oracles that I meet with in Prophane History.  War between Pandion and Labdacus the grandson of Cadmus.

994. AEgeus Reigns in Attica.

993. Pelops the son of Tantalus comes into Peloponnesus, marries Hippodamia the granddaughter of Acrisius, takes AEtolia from AEtolus the son of Endymion, and by his riches grows potent.

990. Amphion and Zethus slay Lycus, put Laius the son of Labdacus to flight, and Reign in Thebes, and wall the city about.

989. Daedalus and his nephew Talus invent the saw, the turning-lath, the wimble, the chip-ax, and other instruments of Carpenters and Joyners, and thereby give a beginning to those Arts in Europe. Daedalus also invented the making of Statues with their feet asunder, as if they walked.

988. Minos makes war upon the Athenians, for killing his son Androgeus. AEacus flourishes.

987. Daedalus kills his nephew Talus, and flies to Minos.  A Priestess of Jupiter Ammon, being brought by Phoenician merchants into Greece, sets up the Oracle of Jupiter at Dodona.  This gives a beginning to Oracles in Greece:  and by their dictates, the Worship of the Dead is every where introduced.

983. Sisyphus, the son of AEolus and grandson of Hellen, Reigns in Corinth, and some say that he built that city.

980. Laius recovers the Kingdom of Thebes. Athamas, the brother of Sisyphus and father of Phrixus and Helle, marries Ino the daughter of Cadmus.

979. Rehoboam Reigns. Thoas is sent from Crete to Lemnos, Reigns there in the city Hephoestia, and works in copper and iron.

978. Alcmena born of Electryo the son of Perseus and Andromeda, and of Lysidice the daughter of Pelops.

974. Sesac spoils the Temple, and invades Syria and Persia, setting up pillars in many places. Jeroboam, becoming subject to Sesac, sets up the worship of the Egyptian Gods in Israel.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.