The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

1014. Ammon places Cepheus at Joppa.

1010. Sesac in the Reign of his father Ammon invades Arabia Foelix, and sets up pillars at the mouth of the Red Sea. Apis, Epaphus or Epopeus, the son of Phroroneus, and Nycteus King of Boeotia, slain. Lycus inherits the Kingdom of his brother Nycteus. AEtolus the son of Endymion flies into the Country of the Curetes in Achaia, and calls it AEtolia; and of Pronoe the daughter of Phorbas begets Pleuron and Calydon, who built cities in AEtolia called by their own names. Antiopa the daughter of Nycteus is sent home to Lycus by Lamedon the successor of Apis, and in the way brings forth Amphion and Zethus.

1008. Sesac, in the Reign of his father Ammon, invades Afric and Spain, and sets up pillars in all his conquests, and particularly at the mouth of the Mediterranean, and returns home by the coast of Gaul and Italy.

1007. Ceres being dead Eumolpus institutes her Mysteries in Eleusine.  The Mysteries of Rhea are instituted in Phrygia, in the city Cybele.  About this time Temples begin to be built in Greece. Hyagnis the Phrygian invents the pipe.  After the example of the common-council of the five Lords of the Philistims, the Greeks set up the Amphictyonic Council, first at Thermopylae, by the influence of Amphictyon the son of Deucalion; and a few years after at Delphi by the influence of Acrisius.  Among the cites, whose deputies met at Thermopylae, I do not find Athens, and therefore doubt whether Amphictyon was King of that city.  If he was the son of Deucalion and brother of Hellen, he and Cranaus might Reign together in several parts of Attica.  But I meet with a later Amphictyon who entertained the great Bacchus.  This Council worshipped Ceres, and therefore was instituted after her death.

1006. Minos prepares a fleet, clears the Greek seas of Pyrates, and sends Colonies to the Islands of the Greeks, some of which were not inhabited before. Cecrops II.  Reigns in Attica. Caucon teaches the Mysteries of Ceres in Messene.

1005. Andromeda carried away from Joppa by Perseus. Pandion the brother of Cecrops II.  Reigns in Attica. Car, the son of Phoroneus, builds a Temple to Ceres.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.