The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 289 pages of information about The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended.

1034. Ammon Reigns in Egypt.  He conquered Libya, and reduced that people from a wandering savage life to a civil one, and taught them to lay up the fruits of the earth; and from him Libya and the desert above it were anciently called Ammonia.  He was the first that built long and tall ships with sails, and had a fleet of such ships on the Red Sea, and another on the Mediterranean at Irasa in Libya.  ’Till then they used small and round vessels of burden, invented on the Red Sea, and kept within sight of the shore.  For enabling them to cross the seas without seeing the shore, the Egyptians began in his days to observe the Stars:  and from this beginning Astronomy and Sailing had their rise.  Hitherto the Lunisolar year had been in use:  but this year being of an uncertain length, and so, unfit for Astronomy, in his days and in the days of his sons and grandsons, by observing the Heliacal Risings and Setting of the Stars, they found the length of the Solar year, and made it consist of five days more than the twelve calendar months of the old Lunisolar year. Creusa the daughter of Erechtheus marries Xuthus the son of Hellen. Erechtheus having first celebrated the Panathenaea joins horses to a chariot. AEgina, the daughter of Asopus, and mother of AEacus, born.

1030. Ceres a woman of Sicily, in seeking her daughter who was stolen, comes into Attica, and there teaches the Greeks to sow corn; for which Benefaction she was Deified after death.  She first taught the Art to Triptolemus the young son of Celeus King of Eleusis.

1028. Oenotrus the youngest son of Lycaon, the Janus of the Latines, led the first Colony of Greeks into Italy, and there taught them to build houses. Perseus born.

1020. Arcas, the son of Callisto and grandson of Lycaon, and Eumelus the first King of Achaia, receive bread-corn from Triptolemus.

1019. Solomon Reigns, and marries the daughter of Ammon, and by means of this affinity is supplied with horses from Egypt; and his merchants also bring horses from thence for all the Kings of the Hittites and Syrians:  for horses came originally from Libya; and thence Neptune was called Equestris. Tantalus King of Phrygia steals Ganimede the son of Tros King of Troas.

1017. Solomon by the assistance of the Tyrians and Aradians, who had mariners among them acquainted with the Red Sea, sets out a fleet upon that sea.  Those assistants build new cities in the Persian Gulph, called Tyre and Aradus.

1015.  The Temple of Solomon is founded. Minos Reigns in Crete expelling his father Asterius, who flees into Italy, and becomes the Saturn of the Latines. Ammon takes Gezer from the Canaanites, and gives it to his daughter, Solomon’s wife.

Project Gutenberg
The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.