A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1.

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1.

The salt water which adhered to the ice, was so trifling as not to be tasted, and, after it had lain on deck for a short time, entirely drained off; and the water which the ice yielded, was perfectly sweet and well-tasted.  Part of the ice we broke in pieces, and put into casks; some we melted in the coppers, and filled up the casks with the water; and some we kept on deck for present use.  The melting and stowing away the ice is a little tedious, and takes up some time; otherwise this is the most expeditious way of watering I ever met with.

Having got on board this supply of water, and the Adventure about two-thirds as much (of which we stood in great need,) as we had once broke the ice, I did not doubt of getting more whenever we were in want.  I therefore without hesitation directed our course more to the south, with a gentle gale at N.W., attended, as usual, with snow showers.  In the morning of the 11th, being then in the latitude of 62 deg. 44’ S., longitude 37 deg.  E., the variation of the compass was 24 deg. 10’ W., and the following morning in the latitude of 64 deg. 12’ S., longitude 38 deg. 14’ E., by the mean of three compasses, it was no more than 23 deg. 52’ W. In this situation we saw some penguins; and being near an island of ice from which several pieces had broken, we hoisted out two boats, and took on board as much as filled all our empty casks, and the Adventure did the same.  While this was doing, Mr Forster shot an albatross, whose plumage was of a colour between brown and dark-grey, the head and upper side of the wings rather inclining to black, and it had white eye-brows.  We began to see these birds about the time of our first falling in with the ice islands; and some have accompanied us ever since.  These, and the dark-brown sort with a yellow bill, were the only albatrosses that had not now forsaken us.

At four o’clock p.m. we hoisted in the boats, and made sail to the S.E., with a gentle breeze at S. by W., attended with showers of snow.

On the 13th, at two o’clock a. m. it fell calm.  Of this we took the opportunity to hoist out a boat, to try the current, which we found to set N.W. near one-third of a mile an hour.  At the time of trying the current, a Fahrenheit’s thermometer was immerged in the sea 100 fathoms below its surface, where it remained twenty minutes.  When it came up, the mercury stood at 32, which is the freezing point.  Some little time after, being exposed to the surface of the sea, it rose to 33-1/2, and in the open air to 36.  The calm continued till five o’clock in the evening, when it was succeeded by a light breeze from the S. and S.E., with which we stood to the N.E. with all our sails set.

Though the weather continued fair, the sky, as usual, was clouded.  However, at nine o’clock the next morning, it was clear; and we were enabled to observe several distances between the sun and moon.  The mean result of which gave 39 deg. 30’ 30” E. longitude.  Mr Kendal’s watch at the same time gave 38 deg. 27’ 45” which is 1 deg. 2’ 45” W. of the observations; whereas, on the 3d instant, it was half a degree E. of them.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.