A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1.

A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 438 pages of information about A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1.

At eight o’clock next morning, being the 8th, we wore, and lay on the other tack; the gale was a little abated, but the sea ran too high to make sail, any more than the fore-top-mast-stay-sail.  In the evening, being in the latitude of 49 deg. 40 S., and 1-1/2 deg.  E. of the Cape, we saw two penguins and some sea or rock-weed, which occasioned us to sound, without finding ground at 100 fathoms.  At eight p. m. we wore, and lay with our heads to the N.E. till three in the morning of the 9th, then wore again to the southward, the wind blowing in squalls attended with showers of snow.  At eight, being something more moderate, I made the Adventure signal to make sail; and soon after made sail ourselves under the courses and close-reefed top-sails.  In the evening, took in the top-sails and main-sail, and brought-to under fore-sail and mizzen; thermometer at 36 deg..  The wind still at N.W. blew a fresh gale, accompanied with a very high sea.  In the night had a pretty smart frost with snow.

In the morning of the 10th we made sail under courses and top-sails close-reefed; and made the signal for the Adventure to make sail and lead.  At eight o’clock saw an island of ice to the westward of us, being then in the latitude of 56 deg. 40’ S. and longitude 2 deg. 0’ E. of the Cape of Good Hope.  Soon after the wind moderated, and we let all the reefs out of the top-sails, got the spritsail-yard out, and top-gallant-mast up.  The weather coming hazy, I called the Adventure by signal under my stern, which was no sooner done, than the haze increased so much with snow and sleet, that we did not see an island of ice, which we were steering directly for, till we were less than a mile from it.  I judged it to be about 50 feet high, and half a mile in circuit.  It was flat at top, and its sides rose in a perpendicular direction, against which the sea broke exceedingly high.  Captain Furneaux at first took this ice for land, and hauled off from it, until called back by signal.  As the weather was foggy, it was necessary to proceed with caution.  We therefore reefed our top-sails, and at the same time sounded, but found no ground with 150 fathoms.  We kept on to the southward with the wind at north till night, which we spent in making short trips, first one way and then another, under an easy sail; thermometer these 24 hours from 36-1/2 to 31.

At day-light in the morning of the 11th, we made sail to the southward with the wind at west, having a fresh gale, attended with sleet and snow.  At noon we were in the latitude of 51 deg. 50’ S., and longitude 21 deg. 3’ E., where we saw some white birds about the size of pigeons, with blackish bills and feet.  I never saw any such before; and Mr Forster had no knowledge of them.  I believe them to be of the peterel tribe, and natives of these icy seas.  At this time we passed between two ice islands, which lay at a little distance from each other.

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage Towards the South Pole and Round the World, Volume 1 from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.