Ishmael eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 810 pages of information about Ishmael.

Ishmael eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 810 pages of information about Ishmael.

Mrs. Middleton, standing also with Claudia, wore a robe of silver gray.

And this pure white on one side and pale gray on the other did but heighten the effect of Claudia’s magnificent costume.

The fashionable hour for assembling at evening parties was then ten o’clock.  By a quarter past ten the company began to arrive, and by eleven the rooms were quite full.

The Viscount Vincent arrived early, and devoted himself to Miss Merlin, standing behind her chair like a lord in waiting.

Ishmael was also present with this group ostensibly in attendance upon Beatrice, but really and truly waiting every turn of Claudia’s countenance or conversation.

While they were all standing, grouped in this way, to receive all comers, Judge Merlin approached, smiling, and accompanied by an officer in the uniform of the United States army, whom he presented in these words: 

“Claudia, my love, I bring you an old acquaintance—­a very old acquaintance—­Captain Burghe.”

Claudia bowed as haughtily and distantly as it was possible to do; and then, without speaking, glanced inquiringly at her father as if to ask—­“How came this person here?”

Judge Merlin replied to that mute question by saying: 

“I was so lucky as to meet our young friend on the Avenue to-day; he is but just arrived.  I told him what was going on here this evening and begged him to waive ceremony and come to us.  And he was so good as to take me at my word!  Bee, my dear, don’t you remember your old playmate, Alfred Burghe?” said the judge, appealing for relief to his amiable niece.

Now, Bee was too kind-hearted to hurt anyone’s feelings, and yet too truthful to make professions she did not feel.  She could not positively say that she was glad to see Alfred Burghe; but she could give him her hand and say: 

“I hope you are well, Mr. Burghe.”

“Captain!  Captain, my dear! he commands a company now!  Lord Vincent permit me—­Captain Burghe.”

A haughty bow from the viscount and a reverential one from the captain acknowledged this presentation.

Then Mrs. Middleton kindly shook hands with the unwelcome visitor.

And finally Claudia unbent a little from her hauteur and condescended to address a few commonplace remarks to him.  But at length her eyes flashed upon Ishmael standing behind Bee.

“You are acquainted with Mr. Worth, I presume, Captain Burghe?” she inquired.

“I have not that honor,” said Alfred Burghe arrogantly.

“Then I will confer it upon you!” said Claudia very gravely.  “Mr. Worth, I hope you will permit me to present to you Captain Burghe.  Captain Burghe, Mr. Worth, of the Washington bar.”

Ishmael bowed with courtesy; but Alfred Burghe grew violently red in the face, and with a short nod turned away.

“Captain Burghe has a bad memory, my lord!” said Claudia, turning to the viscount.  “The gentleman to whom I have just presented him once saved his life at the imminent risk of his own.  It is true the affair happened long ago, when they were both boys; but it seems to me that if anyone had exposed himself to a death by fire to rescue me from a burning building, I should remember it to the latest day of my life.”

Project Gutenberg
Ishmael from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.