Round the World in Seven Days eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Round the World in Seven Days.

Round the World in Seven Days eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 224 pages of information about Round the World in Seven Days.
[We have repeatedly declared our hatred of Protection in every shape and form, so that we shall not be misunderstood when we say that we cordially endorse our correspondent’s complaint.  If the present Government, which in general has our hearty support, devoted as much energy to the cultivation of British Genius as it now devotes to the spoon-feeding of British Industry, we should have less reason to fear the growing menace of Socialism.—­ED. Spectator.]

      The King has been pleased to confer the honour of I
      knighthood on Lieutenant Charles Thesiger Smith, R.N.

THESIGER-SMITH—­BUNCE.—­On July 12th, at St. George’s, Hanover Square, by the Rev. Canon Montague, uncle of the bridegroom, Sir Charles Thesiger Smith, Captain R.N., elder son of Dr. Thesiger Smith, M.A., F.R.S., to Margaret, only daughter of the late John Bunce, master mariner.


An interesting announcement in another column recalls a romance of the air and sea.  Sir Charles Thesiger Smith, whose famous flight round the world last year has not yet been repeated, was yesterday married to Miss Margaret Bunce, the lady whom he rescued in mid-ocean from a burning vessel, and carried with him to safety.  Many notable people attended to witness the ceremony, and the presents include a gold scarf-pin in the shape of an aeroplane, the gift of the King.
Project Gutenberg
Round the World in Seven Days from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.