time of peace to will, that thei returne to their
occupations. Likewise also, a wise king either
ought not to give to suche, or giving any, the occasion
ought to be either for rewarde of some worthy dede,
or else for the desire to kepe suche a kinde of man,
as well in peace as in warre. And bicause you
alledged me, I will make ensample upon my self, and
saie that I never used the warre as an arte, for as
muche as my arte, is to governe my subjectes, and
to defende them, and to be able to defende them, to
love peace, and to know how to make warre, and my kinge
not so muche to rewarde and esteeme me, for my knowledge
in the warre, as for the knowledge that I have to
councel him in peace. Then a king ought not to
desire to have about him, any that is not of this condicion
if he be wise, and prudently minde to governe:
for that, that if he shal have about him either to
muche lovers of peace, or to much lovers of warre,
they shall make him to erre. I cannot in this
my firste reasoning, and according to my purpose saie
more, and when this suffiseth you not, it is mete,
you seke of them that may satisfie you better.
You maie now verie well understand, how difficulte
it is to bringe in use the auncient maners in the
presente warres, and what preparations are mete for
a wise man to make, and what occasions ought to be
loked for, to be able to execute it. But by and
by, you shall know these things better, if this reasoning
make you not werie, conferring what so ever partes
of the auncient orders hath ben, to the maners nowe
COSIMO. If we desired at the first to here your
reason of these thinges, truly thesame whiche hetherto
you have spoken, hath doubled our desire: wherefore
we thanke you for that we have hard, and the rest,
we crave of you to here.
FABRICIO. Seyng that it is so your pleasure,
I will begin to intreate of this matter from the beginning,
to the intent it maye be better understode, being
able by thesame meane, more largely to declare it.
The ende of him that wil make warre, is to be able
to fight with every enemy in the fielde and to be
able to overcum an armie. To purpose to doe this,
it is convenient to ordeine an hoost. To ordein
an hoost, their must be found menne, armed, ordered,
and as well in the small, as in the great orders exercised,
to knowe howe to kepe araie, and to incampe, so that
after bringing them unto the enemie, either standing
or marching, they maie know how to behave themselves
valiantly. In this thing consisteth all the industrie
of the warre on the lande, whiche is the most necessarie,
and the most honorablest, for he that can wel order
a fielde against the enemie, the other faultes that
he should make in the affaires of warre, wilbe borne
with: but he that lacketh this knowledge, although
that in other particulars he be verie good, he shal
never bring a warre to honor: for as muche as
a fielde that thou winnest, lesing? img 94 doeth cancell
all other thy evill actes: so like wise lesing