Diverse effectes caused of diverse soundes, 93
Whereof cometh the utilitie, and the dissorder of the armies that are now a daies, 93
The manner of arminge men, 97
The number of carriages that men of armes and lighte horsemen ought to have, 98
The greatest dissorder that is used now a dayes in the orderinge of an armie, 102
How the Romaines devided their armie in Hastati, Principi and Triarii, 102
The manner that the Romaines used to order them selves agayne in the overthrow, 103
The custom of the Greekes, 103
A maine battaile of Suissers, 104
How manie legions of Romaine Citesens was in an ordinarie armie, 105
The manner how to pitche a fielde to faighte a battaile, 106
Of what number of faighting men an armie oughte to be, 110
The description of a battaile that is a faighting, 111
An exsample of Ventidio faighting against the Parthians, 114
An example of Epaminondas, 115
How the Artillerie is unprofitable, 116
How that a maine battaile of Suissers cannot ocupie more then fower pikes, 120
How the battailes when thei cum to be eight or ten, maye be receyved in the verie same space, that received the fyve, 123
The armes that the Standarde of all tharmie ought to have, 125
Divers examples of the antiquetie, 126
Whether the fronte of the armie ought to bee made large, 132
To how many thinges respecte ought to be had, in the ordringe of an armie, 133
An example of Scipio, 134
In what place a Capitain maie order his armie with savegarde not to be clene overthrowen, 135
Aniball and Scipio praised for the orderynge of their armies, 135
Cartes used of the Asiaticans, 137
Diverse examples of the antiquitie, 137
The prudence which the Capitaine ought to use, in the accidence that chaunse in faightinge, 138
What a Capitaine ought to doo, that is the conqueror, or that is conquered, 140
A Capitaine ought not to faighte the battaile, but with advauntage, excepte he be constrained, 142
How to avoide the faightinge of the fielde, 144
Advertismentes that the Capitaine ought to have, 146
Speakyng to souldiers helpeth muche to make them to be curagious and bolde, 146
Whether all the armie ought to bee spoken unto, or onely to the heddes thereof, 147
The manner how to leade an armie gowinge thorough suspected places, or to incounter the enemie, 152
An example of Aniball, 156
Wether any thing oughte to bee commaunded with the voise or with the trompet, 159