oaths, and observe them less than he; nevertheless,
his cousenages all thriv’d well with him; for
he knew how to play this part cunningly. Therefore
is there no necessity for a Prince to be endued with
all above written qualities, but it behooveth well
that he seem to be so; or rather I will boldly say
this, that having these qualities, and alwaies regulating
himself by them, they are hurtfull; but seeming to
have them, they are advantageous; as to seem pittiful,
faithful, mild, religious, and of integrity, and indeed
to be so; provided withall thou beest of such a composition,
that if need require to use the contrary, thou canst,
and knowest how to apply thy self thereto. And
it suffices to conceive this, that a Prince, and especially
a new Prince, cannot observe all those things, for
which men are held good; he being often forc’d,
for the maintenance of his State, to do contrary to
his faith, charity, humanity, and religion: and
therefore it behooves him to have a mind so disposd,
as to turne and take the advantage of all winds and
fortunes; and as formerly I said, not forsake the good,
while he can; but to know how to make use of the evil
upon necessity. A Prince then ought to have a
special care, that he never let fall any words, but
what are all season’d with the five above written
qualities, and let him seem to him that sees and hears
him, all pitty, all faith, all integrity, all humanity,
all religion; nor is there any thing more necessary
for him to seem to have, than this last quality:
for all men in general judge thereof, rather by the
sight, than by the touch; for every man may come to
the sight of him, few come to the touch and feeling
of him; yvery man may come to see what thou seemest,
few come to perceive and understand what thou art;
and those few dare not oppose the opinion of many,
who have the majesty of State to protect them:
And in all mens actions, especially those of Princes
wherein there is no judgement to appeale unto men,
forbeare to give their censures, till the events and
ends of things. Let a Prince therefore take the
surest courses he can to maintain his life and State:
the means shall alwaies be thought honorable, and
commended by every one; for the vulgar is over-taken
with the appearance and event of a thing: and
for the most part of people, they are but the vulgar:
the others that are but few, take place where the
vulgar have no subsisteance. A Prince there is
in these dayes, whom I shall not do well to name,
that preaches nothing else but peace and faith; but
had he kept the one and the other, several times had
they taken from him his state and reputation.