delicate and effeminate through their long peace.
Theseus could not make proof his vertue, had not he
found the Athenians dispers’d. These occasions
therefore made these men happy, and their excellent
vertue made the occasion be taken notice of, whereby
their countrey became enobled, and exceeding fortunate.
They, who by vertuous waies, like unto these, become
Princes, attain the Principality with difficulty,
but hold it with much ease; and the difficulties they
find in gaining the Principality, arise partly from
the new orders and courses they are forc’d to
bring in, to lay the foundation of their State, and
work their own security. And it is to be consider’d,
how there is not any thing harder to take in hand,
nor doubtfuller to succeed, nor more dangerous to
mannage, than to be the chief in bringing in new orders;
for this Chief finds all those his enemies, that thrive
upon the old orders; and hath but luke warme defenders
of all those that would do well upon the new orders,
which luke-warme temper proceeds partly from fear
of the opposers who have the laws to their advantage;
partly from the incredulity of the men who truly beleeve
not a new thing, unless there be some certain proof
given them thereof. Whereupon it arises, that
whensoever they that are adversaries, take the occasion
to assayle, they do it factiously; and these others
defend but cooly, so that their whole party altogether
runs a hazzard. Therefore it is necessary, being
we intend throughly to discourse this part, to examine
if these innovators stand of themselves, or if they
depend upon others; that is, if to bring their work
to effect, it be necessary they should intreat, or
be able to constrain; in the first case they allwayes
succeed ill, and bring nothing to pass; but when they
depend of themselves, and are able to force, then
seldom it is that they hazzard. Hence came it
that all the prophets that were arm’d, prevail’d;
but those that were unarm’d, were too weak:
for besides what we have alledg’d, the nature
of the people is changeable, and easie to be perswaded
to a matter; but it is hard also to settle them in
that perswasion. And therefore it behoves a man
to be so provided, that when they beleeve no longer,
he may be able to compel them thereto by force.
Moses, Cyrus, Theseus, and Romulus would never have
been able to cause their Laws to be obey’d,
had they been disarm’d; as in our times it befel
Fryer Jerome Savanarola, who perished in his new constitutions,
when the multitude began not to beleeve him; neither
had he the means to keep them firme, that had beleev’d;
not to force beleefe in them that had not beleev’d
him. Wherefore such men as these, in their proceedings
find great difficulty, and all their dangers are in
the way, and these they must surmount by their vertue;
but having once master’d them, and beginning
to be honored by all, when they have rooted those out
that envi’d their dignities, they remain powerful,
secure, honorable, and happy. To these choice