and joigned to the head way, and I woulde have it to
be quadrante, and woulde assigne lxxxx. yardes and
three quarters to a square: and on the right
hande and lefte hande, of the saied market place,
I would make two orders of lodginges, where everie
order shal have eight double lodginges, which shall
take up in length, ix. yardes, and in bredeth xxii.
yardes and a halfe, so that there shall come to be
on every hande of the market place, xvi. lodgynges
that shall place the same in the middest which shall
be in al xxxii. wherin I woulde lodge those horsemen,
which shoulde remaine to the aidyng mayne battailes:
and when these should not suffise, I woulde assigne
theim some of those lodginges that placeth between
them the Capitaines lodgynge, and in especially those,
that lie towardes the Trenche. There resteth now
to lodge the Pikes, and extraordinarie Veliti, that
everie main battaile hath, which you know accordynge
to our order, how everie one hath besides the x. battailes
M. extraordinarie Pikes, and five hundreth Veliti:
so that the twoo cheefe maine battailes, have two thousande
extraordinarie Pikes, and a thousande extraordinarie
Veliti, and the ayders as many as those, so that yet
there remaineth to be lodged, vi. M. menne, whome
I woulde lodge all on the weste side, and a longe the
Trenche. Then from the ende of the hed waye, towardes
Northe, leavyng the space of lxxv. yardes from them
to the trenche, I woulde place an order of v. double
lodgynges, whiche in all shoulde take up lvi. yardes
in lengthe, and xxx. in bredeth: so that the bredeth
devided, there will come to everie lodgyng xi. yardes
and a quarter for lengthe, and for bredeth twoo and
twentie yardes and a half. And because there shall
be x. lodgynges, I will lodge three hundred men, apoinctyng
to every lodging xxx. men: leavyng then a space
of three and twentie yardes and a quarter, I woulde
place in like wise, and with like spaces an other
order of five double lodgynges, and againe an other,
till there were five orders of five double lodgynges:
which wil come to be fiftie lodgynges placed by right
line on the Northe side, every one of them distante
from the Trenche lxxv. yardes, which will lodge fifteene
hundred men. Tournyng after on the lefte hande
towardes the weste gate, I woulde pitche in all the
same tracte, whiche were from them to the saied gate,
five other orders of double lodgynges, with the verie
same spaces, and with the verie same maner: true
it is, that from the one order to the other, there
shall not be more then a xi. yardes and a quarter
of space: wherin shall be lodged also fifteene
hundred men: and thus from the Northe gate to
the weste, as the Trenche turneth, in a hundred lodginges
devided in x. rewes of five double lodgynges in a
rowe, there will be lodged all the Pikes and extraordinarie
Veliti of the cheefe maine battayles. And so
from the west gate to the Southe, as the Trenche tourneth
even in the verie same maner, in other ten rewes of
ten lodgynges in a rewe, there shall be lodged the