I will not digresse, and I will ordaine my twoo maine
battailes, whiche I have taken for to make an armie
of, to this effect. Mindyng therefore, to marche
safely through the enemies Countrie, and to bee able
to aunswere hym on every side, when at unwares the
armie might chaunce to be assaulted, and intendyng
therefore, accordyng to the antiquitie, to bryng thesame
into a square, I would devise to make a quadrant,
that the rome therof should be of space on every part
Clix. yardes, in this maner. First I would put
the flanckes, distant the one flanck from the other,
Clix. yardes, and I would place five battailes for
a flancke, in a raie in length, and distant the one
from the other, twoo yardes and a quarter: the
whiche shall occupie with their spaces, every battaile
occupiyng thirtie yardes, Clix. yardes. Then betwen
the hedde and the taile of these two flanckes, I would
place the other tenne battailes, in every parte five,
orderyng them after soche sorte, that fower should
joyne to the hedde of the right flanck, and fower to
the taile of the lefte flancke, leaving betwene every
one of them, a distance of thre yardes: one should
after joyne to the hedde of the lefte flancke, and
one to the taile of the right flancke: and for
that the space that is betwene the one flancke and
the other, is Clix. yardes, and these battailes whiche
are set the one to the side of the other by breadth,
and not by length, will come to occupie with the distaunces
one hundred yardes and a halfe yarde, there shall come
betwene theim fower battailes, placed in the fronte
on the right flancke, and the one placed in thesame
on the lefte, to remaine a space of fiftie and eighte
yardes and a halfe, and the verie same space will
come to remaine in the battailes, placed in the hinder
parte: nor there shall bee no difference, saving
that the one space shall come on the parte behind
towardes the right horne, and thother shall come on
the parte afore, towardes the lefte home. In
the space of the lviii. yardes and a halfe before,
I would place all the ordinarie Veliti, in thesame
behinde, the extraordinarie, which wil come to be a
thousande for a space, and mindyng to have the space
that ought to be within the armie, to be every waie
Clix. yardes, it is mete that the five battailes,
whiche are placed in the hedde, and those whiche are
placed in the taile, occupie not any parte of the
space, whiche the flanckes keepe: and therefore
it shall be convenient, that the five battailes behinde,
doe touche with the fronte, the taile of their flanckes,
and those afore, with the taile to touche he hedde,
after soche sorte, that upon every corner of the ame
armie, there maie remaine a space, to receive an other
battaile: and for that there bee fower spaces,
I would take fower bandes of the extraordinarie Pikes,
and in every corner I would place one, and the twoo
Ansignes of the foresaied Pikes, whiche shall remain
overplus, I would sette in the middest of the rome
of this armie, in a square battaile, on the hedde