The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The next morning their news was debated gravely by all.  There was not one among them who did not understand its significance, but it was hard to agree upon a policy.  Davy Crockett, who had just come, and who was practically a stranger to Texas, gave his opinions with hesitation.

“It’s better for you, Mr. Panther, an’ you, Mr. White, to make the motions,” he said, “an’ I an’ my Tennesseans will endorse them.  But it seems, boys, that if we came for a fight it is offered to us the moment we get here.”

“Yes,” said the twelve Tennesseans all together.

“I shall be compelled to leave you,” said Roylston.  “Pray, don’t think it’s because I’m afraid to fight the Mexicans.  But, as I told you before, I can do far greater good for the Texan cause elsewhere.  As I am now as well as ever, and I am able to take care of myself, I think I shall leave at once.”

“I’ve known you only a few hours, Mr. Roylston,” said Crockett, “but I’ve knocked around a hard world long enough to know a man when I see him.  If you say you ought, you ought to go.”

“That’s so,” said the Panther.  “We’ve seen Mr. Roylston tried more than once, and nobody doubts his courage.”

A good horse, saddled and bridled, and arms and ammunition, were given to Roylston.  Then he bade them farewell.  When he was about twenty yards away he beckoned to Ned.  When the boy stood at his saddle bow he said very earnestly: 

“If you fall again into the hands of Santa Anna, and are in danger of your life, use my name with him.  It is perhaps a more potent weapon than you think.  Do not forget.”

“I will not,” said Ned, “and I thank you very much, Mr. Roylston.  But I hope that no such occasion will arise.”

“So do I,” said Roylston with emphasis.  Then he rode away, a square, strong figure, and never looked back.

“What was he saying, Ned?” asked Will, when the boy returned.

“Merely promising help if we should need it, hereafter.”

“He looks like a man who would give it.”

After some further talk it was decided that Ned, Will, Obed and the Panther should ride south to watch the advance of Santa Anna, while Crockett, Fields and the remainder should go to San Antonio and raise such troops as they could.

“An’ if you don’t mind my sayin’ it to you, Mr. Crockett,” said the Panther, “keep tellin’ ’em over an’ over again that they have need to beware.  Tell ’em that Santa Anna, with all the power of Mexico at his back, is comin’.”

“Fear not, my good friend,” said Davy Crockett.  “I shall tell them every hour of the day.  I shall never cease to bring the information before the full quorum of the House.  Again I am parliamentary, but I think you understand, Mr. Panther.”

“We all understan’,” said the Panther, and then Crockett rode away at the head of the little troop which tacitly made him commander.  Ned’s eyes followed his figure as long as he was in sight.  Little did he dream of what was to pass when they should meet again, scenes that one could never forget, though he lived a thousand years.

Project Gutenberg
The Texan Scouts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.