The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The Texan Scouts eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 401 pages of information about The Texan Scouts.

The leader was tall and thin, but evidently muscular and powerful.  His hair was straight and black like an Indian’s.  His features were angular and tanned by the winds of many years.  His body was clothed completely in buckskin, and a raccoon skin cap was on his head.  Across his shoulder lay a rifle with a barrel of unusual length.

“Never saw any of them before,” said the Panther.  “By the great horn spoon, who can that feller in front be?  He looks like somebody.”

The little band rode closer, and its leader held up his hand as a sign of amity.

“Good friends,” he said, in a deep clear voice, “we don’t have very close neighbors out here, and that makes a meeting all the pleasanter.  You are Texans, I guess.”

“You guess right,” said the Panther, in the same friendly tone.  “An’ are you Texans, too?”

“That point might be debated,” replied the man, in a whimsical tone, “and after a long dispute neither I nor my partners here could say which was right and which was wrong.  But while we may not be Texans, yet we will be right away.”

His eyes twinkled as he spoke, and Ned suddenly felt a strong liking for him.  He was not young and, despite his buckskin dress and careless grammar, there was something of the man of the world about him.  But he seemed to have a certain boyishness of spirit that appealed strongly to Ned.

“I s’pose,” he continued, “that a baptism will make us genuine Texans, an’ it ‘pears likely to me that we’ll get that most lastin’ of all baptisms, a baptism of fire.  But me an’ Betsy here stand ready for it.”

He patted lovingly the stock of his long rifle as he spoke the word “Betsy.”  It was the same word “Betsy” that gave Ned his sudden knowledge.

“I’m thinking that you are Davy Crockett,” he said.

The man’s face was illumined with an inimitable smile.

“Correct,” he said.  “No more and no less.  Andy Jackson kept me from going back to Washington, an’ so me an’ these twelve good friends of mine, Tennesseans like myself, have come here to help free Texas.”

He reached out his hand and Ned grasped it.  The boy felt a thrill.  The name of Davy Crockett was a great one in the southwest, and here he was, face to face, hands gripped with the great borderer.

“This is Mr. Palmer, known all over Texas as the Panther, and Mr. Obed White, once of Maine, but now a Texan,” said Ned, introducing his friends.

Crockett and the Panther shook hands, and looked each other squarely in the eye.

“Seems to me,” said Crockett, “that you’re a man.”

“I was jest thinkin’ the same of you,” said the Panther.

“An’ you,” said Crockett to Obed White, “are a man, too.  But they certainly do grow tall where you come from.”

“I’m not as wide as a barn door, but I may be long enough to reach the bottom of a well,” said Obed modestly.  “Anyway, I thank you for the compliment.  Praise from Sir Davy is sweet music in my ear, indeed.  And since we Texans have to stand together, and since to stand together we must know about one another, may I ask you, Mr. Crockett, which way you are going?”

Project Gutenberg
The Texan Scouts from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.