The Forest of Swords eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Forest of Swords.

The Forest of Swords eBook

Joseph Alexander Altsheler
This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 307 pages of information about The Forest of Swords.

“I was in a motor car, a part of a train of about a hundred cars.  There were seven in it besides myself.  We were ordered to cross a field and join a line of advancing infantry.  When we were in the middle of the field a masked German battery of rapid-firers opened on us at short range.  It was an awful experience, like a stroke of lightning, and I don’t think that more than a dozen of us escaped with our lives.  I was wounded in the arm and taken before I could get out of the field.  I was brought here with some other prisoners and I have been sleeping on the ground just beyond that hillock.  I awoke early, and, walking the little distance our guards allow, I happened to recognize your figure lying here.  I was sorry and yet glad to see you, sorry that you were a prisoner, and glad to find at least one whom I knew, a friend.”

John gave Weber’s hand a strong grasp.

“I can say the same about you,” he said warmly.  “We’re both prisoners, but yesterday was a magnificent day for France and democracy.”

“It was, and now it’s to be seen what today will be.”

“I hope and believe it will be no less magnificent.”

“I learned that you were taken just after you alighted from an aeroplane, and that a man with you escaped in the plane.  At least, I presume it was you, as I heard the Germans talking of such a person and I knew of your great friendship for Philip Lannes.  Lannes, of course was the one who escaped.”

“A good surmise, Fernand.  It was no less a man than he.”

Weber’s eyes sparkled.

“I was sure of it,” he said.  “A wonderful fellow, that Lannes, perhaps the most skillful and important bearer of dispatches that France has.  But he will not forget you, Mr. Scott.  He knows, of course, where you were taken, and doubtless from points high in the air he has traced the course of this German army.  He will find time to come for you.  He will surely do so.  He has a feeling for you like that of a brother, and his skill in the air gives him a wonderful advantage.  In all the history of the world there have never before been any scouts like the aeroplanes.”

“That’s true, and that, I think, is their chief use.”

Impulse made John look up.  The skies were fast beginning to brighten with the first light in the east, and large objects would be visible there.  But he saw nothing against the blue save two or three captive balloons which floated not far above the trees inside the German lines.  He longed for a sight of the Arrow.  He believed that he would know its shape even high in the heavens, but they were speckless.

The Alsatian, whose eyes followed his, shook his head.

“He is not there, Mr. Scott,” he said, “and you will not see him today, but I have a conviction that he will come, by night doubtless.”

John lowered his eyes and his feeling of disappointment passed.  It had been foolish of him to hope so soon, but it was only a momentary impulse, Lannes could not seek him now, and even if he were to come there would be no chance of rescue until circumstances changed.

Project Gutenberg
The Forest of Swords from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.