Crowds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Crowds.

Crowds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Crowds.

It is these men who are going to allow people who merely have thoughtless labour and people who merely have thoughtless money to be let in with them.  The world’s quarrel with the rich man is not his being a rich man, but his being rich without brains, and its quarrel with the poor labourer is not his being a poor labourer, but his being a poor labourer without brains.  The only way that either of these men can have a chance to be of any value is in letting themselves be used by the man who will supply them with what they lack.  They will try to get this man to see if he cannot think of some way of getting some good out of them for themselves, and for others.

We have a Frederick Taylor for furnishing brains to labour.

We are going to have a Frederick Taylor to attend to the brain-supply of millionaires, to idea-outfits for directors.

Every big firm is going to have a large group of specialists working on the problem of how to make millionaires—­its own particular millionaires think, devising ways of keeping idle and thoughtless capitalists out of the way.  If the experts fail in making millionaires think, they may be succeeded by experts in getting rid of them and in finding thoughtful money, possibly made up of many small sums, to take their place.

The real question the Artist or Organizer is going to ask about any man with capital will be, “Is it the man who is making the money valuable and important or is it the money that is making this man important for the time being and a little noticeable or important-looking?”

The only really serious question we have to face about money to-day is the unimportance of the men who have it.  The Hewers or Scoopers, or Grabbers, who have assumed the places of the Artist and the Inventor because they have the money, are about to be crowded over to the silent, modest back seats in directors’ meetings.  If they want their profits, they must give up their votes.  They are going to be snubbed.  They are going to beg to be noticed.  The preferred stock or voting stock will be kept entirely in the hands of the men of working imagination, of clear-headedness about things that are not quite seen, the things that constitute the true values in any business situation, the men who have the sense of the way things work and of the way they will have to go.

Mere millionaires who do not know their place in a great business will be crowded into small ones.  They will be confronted by the organized refusal of men with brains to work for their inferiors, to be under control of men of second-rate order.  Men with mere owning and grabbing minds will only be able to find men as stupid as they are to invest and manage their money for them.  In a really big creative business their only chance will be cash and silence.  They will be very glad at last to get in on any terms, if the men of brains will let their money edge into their business without votes and be carried along with it as a favour.

Project Gutenberg
Crowds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.