Crowds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Crowds.

Crowds eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 612 pages of information about Crowds.

When Christ turned the other cheek, the last thing He would have wanted any one to think was that He was backing down, or that He was merely being a sweet, gentle, grieved person.  He was inventing before everybody, and before His enemies, promptly and with great presence of mind, a new kind and new size of man.  It was a more spirited, more original, more unconquerable and bewildering way of fighting than anybody had thought of before.  To be suddenly in an enemy’s presence a new kind and new size of man—­colossal, baffling—­to turn into invisibility before him, into intangibility, into another kind of being before the enemy’s eyes, so that he could not possibly tell what to do, and so that none of the things that he had thought of to do would work....  This is what Christ was doing, it seems to some of us, and it is apparently the way He felt about it when He did it.

Turning the other cheek is a kind of moral jiu-jitsu.

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The last thing that many of us who are interested in the modern world really want is to have war, or fighting, stop.  We glory in courage, in the power of facing danger, in adventuresomeness of spirit, in every single one of the qualities that always have made, and always will make, every true man a fighter.

We contend that fighting, as at present conducted, is based on fear and lazy-mindedness; that it is lacking in the manlier qualities, that the biggest and newest kind of men are not willing to be in it, and that it does not work.

We would rather see the world abolished than to see war abolished.

We want to see war brought up to date.

The best way to fight was invented some two thousand years ago, and the innocent, conventional persons who still believe in a kind of routine, or humdrum, of shooting, who have not caught up with this two-thousand-year-old invention, are about to be irrevocably displaced in our modern life by men who have a livelier, more far-seeing, more practical, more modern kind of courage.  From this time on we have made up our minds, we, the people of this world, that the only men we are going to allow to fight for us are the men who can fight the way Christ did.

Men who have not the courage to fight the way Christ did are about to be shut up by society; no one will harm them, of course, innocent, afraid persons, who have to protect themselves with gunpowder, but they will merely be set one side after this, where they will not be in a position to spoil the fighting of the men who are not afraid.

And who are the men who are not afraid?

To search your enemy’s heart, to amputate, as by a kind of spiritual surgery, the very desire for fighting in him, to untangle his own life before his eyes and suddenly make him see what it is he really wants, to have him standing there quietly, radiantly disarmed, gentle-hearted, and like a child before you; if you are able, Gentle Reader, or ever have been able, to do this, you are not afraid!  Why should any one ever have supposed that it takes a backing down, giving up, teary, weak, and grieved person to do this?

Project Gutenberg
Crowds from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.