It must be remembered that a gloss is not quite the same thing as a free translation that observes the rules of grammar. A gloss translates the Latin text word by word, in the order of that text; so that the glossator can neither observe the natural English order nor in all cases preserve the English grammar; a fact which somewhat lessens its value, and must always be allowed for. It is therefore necessary, in all cases, to ascertain the Latin text. I subjoin a specimen, from Matt, v 11-15.
eadge aron ge mith thy yfle hia gecuoethas iuh and mith thy 11. Beati estis cum maledixerunt uobis et cum
oehtas iuih and cuoethas eghwelc yfel with iuih persecuti uos fuerint et dixerint omne malum aduersum uos
gesuicas vel w{ae}ges fore mec gefeath
and wynnsumiath forthon
mentientes propter
me. 12. gaudete et exultate quoniam
mearda iuere monigfalde is vel sint merces uestra copiosa est
heofnum su{ae} vel suelce ec forthon
caelis sic enim
ge-oehton tha witgo tha the weron {ae}r iuih gee persecuti sunt prophetas qui fuerunt ante uos. 13. Uos
sint salt eorthes th{ae}t gif salt forworthes in thon estis sal terrae quod si sal euanuerit in quo
bith to
nowihte vel n{ae}nihte m{ae}ge ofer th{ae}t
nihilum ualet
buta th{ae}t gesended bith
vel geworpen {’u}t
nisi ut mittatur
and getreden bith from monnum et conculcetur ab hominibus
aron vel sint leht middangeardes
Uos estis lux mundi
ne m{ae}g burug vel ceastra gehyda vel gedeigla ofer mor non potest ciuitas abscondi supra monte
geseted ne ec bernas th{ae}ccille vel leht-f{ae}t posita. 15. neque accendunt lucernam
and settas tha vel hia
unther mitte
et ponunt eam sub
vel under sestre ah ofer leht-isern and
lihteth allum tha the in
modio sed super candelabrum
et luceat omnibus qui in
hus bithon vel sint domo sunt.
The history of the Northern dialect during the next three centuries, from the year 1000 to nearly 1300, with a few insignificant exceptions, is a total blank.
A little before 1300, we come to a Metrical English Psalter, published by the Surtees Society in 1843-7. The language is supposed to represent the speech of Yorkshire. It is translated (rather closely) from the Latin Vulgate version. I give a specimen from Psalm xviii, 14-20.