The Little Colonel's House Party eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Little Colonel's House Party.

The Little Colonel's House Party eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 219 pages of information about The Little Colonel's House Party.

While Miss Allison marshalled her flock of little darkies behind the great rock, Mrs. Sherman called the children to seat themselves in a semicircle on the camp-stools and rugs in front.  “This is to be a guessing contest,” she explained, as she passed a card and pencil to each guest.  “There must be no talking, and no comparing notes.  As each syllable is acted, write down the word you think is meant.  The one who guesses the most charades wins the prize.  Stir the bonfire, Alec.  Now, all ready!”

Miss Allison came out in front of her audience.  “This word is the name of a favourite book,” she announced.  “It consists of two words.  The first word is in three syllables, the second in two.  They will be given in five separate acts.”

Every eye watched intently, as three little coloured boys came out from behind the rock and went through the scene of a highway robbery.  Little Jim Gibbs, his white teeth and gleaming eyeballs making his face seem as black as night by contrast, strode out with a high silk hat, a baggy umbrella, and an old carpet-bag.  He was evidently intended to represent a lonely traveller, for, as he sauntered along in front of the audience, two other boys of the Gibbs family sprang out of the bushes in the background, with white cloth masks over their faces.  One carried a dark lantern and the other a toy pistol, which he held at Jim’s head.  They proceeded to go through the traveller’s pockets, stealing watch, purse, carpet-bag, and umbrella.  After that they took to their heels, leaving the poor despoiled traveller looking mournfully at his empty pockets, which were turned wrong side out.

“Steal” wrote Eugenia on her card, although she could think of no book beginning with that name.  “Thieves” wrote Rob, and any one looking over the shoulders of the group would have seen several cards which bore the same word, but more which their puzzled owners had left blank.  Betty tapped her teeth a moment with a pencil and then triumphantly wrote “rob.”

The next act showed a hastily constructed house made of a clothes-horse and heavy roofing paper.  Doors and windows had been roughly outlined in charcoal.  In front, a swinging sign-board announced it as the “Traveller’s Rest” and offered refreshment within for man and beast.

“Inn” wrote Betty, quickly guessing the second syllable.  She was sure of the whole word, now, but the majority of the children sat with their pencils in their mouths, unable to think of any word that would fit in place beside the one already written.

“Oh, this is easy,” said Betty to herself, writing the name “Robinson Crusoe” after the last act, as the crew of little pickaninnies, seated in an old skiff which had been dragged up from the mill stream for that purpose, took up a piece of patch-work and began to sew.  Betty was the only one who had guessed it.

The next charade was easier.  Every one wrote “music” on his card, after the two acts in which plaintive mews floated up from the rocks and the Gibbs family were taken sick.  All but Jim, who, in the high silk hat he had worn before, took the part of doctor.

Project Gutenberg
The Little Colonel's House Party from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.