Ophir, Africa, description of, 452.
Opoko, Osai, king of Ashantee, 35.
Osymandyas, king of Egypt, 458.
Otis, James, speech in favor of freedom to the Negroes, 203.
Parsons, Theophilus, his opinion on the
existence of slavery in
179, 180;
decision in the case of Winchendon
vs. Hatfield, 232.
Pastorius, Francis Daniel, his memorial against slavery, 1688, 313.
Payne, John, missionary bishop of Africa, 100.
Pendleton, Edmund, letter to Richard Lee
on the slaves of Virginia
joining the British
army, 339.
Penn, William, Delaware conveyed to, 249;
grants the privilege of separate
government, 249;
introduces bill for the regulation
of servants, 314;
opposed to slavery, 314.
Pennsylvania, slavery in, 312-315;
government organized, 312;
Swedes and Dutch settlement,
governor of New York claims
jurisdiction over, 312;
first laws of, 312;
memorial against slavery,
Penn presents bill for the
better regulation of servants, 314;
tax on imported slaves, 314;
importation of Negroes and
Indians prohibited, 314;
petition for the freedom of
slaves denied, 314;
rights of the Negroes, 315;
tax on Negroes and Mulatto
slaves, 315;
fears for the conduct of the
slaves, 315;
number of slaves in, 325;
slave population in 1790,
Pennsylvania Society for promoting the
abolition of slavery,
address of the,
1789, 431.
Pequod Indians captured in war exchanged
for Negroes, 173;
as slaves, 177.
Peters, John, married to Phillis Wheatley, 200.
Peters, Phillis, see Wheatley, Phillis.
Pheron, king of Egypt, 458.
Philadelphia, Federal Convention meet
at, 417;
Anti-slavery Convention held
at, 438;
see Pennsylvania.
Phut, Africa, description of, 452.
Pickering, Timothy, representative of
Salem, Mass., instructed to
vote against the
importation of slaves, 220.
Pinny, J.B., missionary to Liberia, 100.
Pitcairn, John, killed at Bunker Hill by a Negro soldier, 364.
Plant, Matthias, missionary of the Propagation Society in Mass., 189.
Po, Fernando, locates Portuguese colony in Africa, 26.
Poor, Salem, a Negro soldier, his bravery at Bunker Hill, 365.
Popish plot in England concocted by Titus Gates, 144.
Portugal, engages in the slave-trade,
26, 31, 463;
locates colony at Benin, Africa,
26, 27.
Prescott, Richard, captured by Lieut.-Col. Barton, 366.
Presbyterian Board of Missions establish missions in Liberia, 100.
Price, Arthur, arrested for theft in New
York, 152;
testimony in the Negro plot,