i crow, cackle. =cacique= m cacique;
leader in politics, boss. =caco= m thief; =Caco=
Cacus. =cachaza= f phlegm, apathy, leisureliness.
=cada= each, every. =cadaver= m corpse. =caer=
i fall, fall a victim. =cafe= m coffee.
=cafre= Kafir. =caida= f fall. =caja= f
box, case; coffin. =calamidad= f calamity (A.
’which extends to many persons’). =calavera=
f skull; madcap. =calaverada= f piece
of recklessness, madcap freak, escapade, spree. =calculo=
m calculation; (not in A.) scheme. =caldeo=
Chaldee, Chaldean. =calentar= t warm, heat.
=calificacion= f characterization, epithet.
=calificar= t characterize (=de= as), put a
(descriptive) name to. =calificativo= m epithet,
characterization. =calma= f calm, quiet, placidity,
calmness. =calmar= t calm. =calor= m
(=a= by) heat, warmth. =calumnia= f slander,
calumny. =calumniador= slanderous, slanderer. =calvicie=
f baldness. =calzada= f causeway. =calzar=
t shoe. =calzon= m mostly pl breeches.
=calzonazos= m pl, also as sg (=un——,
unos—— =), c wishy-washy
fellow. =calladita= f d of =a las calladas=
on the quiet, under cover. =callar= i be silent,
keep silence, hold one’s tongue; t say
nothing of; =—do= silent; =calla= no such
thing (’c. intj. denoting surprise’
A.). =calle= f street. =callejon= m
alley. =cama= f bed. =camaleon= m chameleon.
=camarero= (chief) valet de chambre; =—a
mayor= mistress of the robes (chief of a queen’s
maids). =cambiar= t change, exchange. =cambio=
m exchange (=de= for); =en——
= on the other hand. =camello= m camel. =caminar=
i go, travel. =caminata= f course, jaunt.
=caminejo= m bad road. =camino= m road,
journey, journeying, course; =——
real= turnpike. =camisa= f shirt; =meterse
en—— de once varas= interfere in
other people’s business. =camorra= f
quarrel. =campana= f (large) bell. =campanilla=
f (little) bell. =campana= f plain;
the field; campaign. =campeador= champion, esp.
the Cid, N =152= 31. =campeon= m champion.
=campesino= rural, rustic, countryman, yeoman. =campina=
f (arable) territory, region (around a town).
=campo= m field, fields; the country. =canaleja=
f watering-trough; shovel hat. =canalla= f
riffraff, (set of) rascals; m rascal; adj
(Gall.?) blackguardly; =—— de=
rascally. =canana= f cartridge-belt. =canario=
m canary. =cancion= f song. =candelero=
m candlestick. =candidatura= f candidacy.
=canela= f cinnamon. =cangilon= m jar,
pot. =canonigo= m canon. =cansancio= m
exhaustion. =cansar= t tire, weary. =cantar=
i or t sing; (of cock) crow. =cantara= f,
=cantaro= m, pitcher. =cantidad= f quantity,