Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
i crow, cackle. =cacique= m cacique; leader in politics, boss. =caco= m thief; =Caco= Cacus. =cachaza= f phlegm, apathy, leisureliness. =cada= each, every. =cadaver= m corpse. =caer= i fall, fall a victim. =cafe= m coffee. =cafre= Kafir. =caida= f fall. =caja= f box, case; coffin. =calamidad= f calamity (A. ’which extends to many persons’). =calavera= f skull; madcap. =calaverada= f piece of recklessness, madcap freak, escapade, spree. =calculo= m calculation; (not in A.) scheme. =caldeo= Chaldee, Chaldean. =calentar= t warm, heat. =calificacion= f characterization, epithet. =calificar= t characterize (=de= as), put a (descriptive) name to. =calificativo= m epithet, characterization. =calma= f calm, quiet, placidity, calmness. =calmar= t calm. =calor= m (=a= by) heat, warmth. =calumnia= f slander, calumny. =calumniador= slanderous, slanderer. =calvicie= f baldness. =calzada= f causeway. =calzar= t shoe. =calzon= m mostly pl breeches. =calzonazos= m pl, also as sg (=un——­, unos——­ =), c wishy-washy fellow. =calladita= f d of =a las calladas= on the quiet, under cover. =callar= i be silent, keep silence, hold one’s tongue; t say nothing of; =—­do= silent; =calla= no such thing (’c. intj. denoting surprise’ A.). =calle= f street. =callejon= m alley. =cama= f bed. =camaleon= m chameleon. =camarero= (chief) valet de chambre; =—­a mayor= mistress of the robes (chief of a queen’s maids). =cambiar= t change, exchange. =cambio= m exchange (=de= for); =en——­ = on the other hand. =camello= m camel. =caminar= i go, travel. =caminata= f course, jaunt. =caminejo= m bad road. =camino= m road, journey, journeying, course; =——­ real= turnpike. =camisa= f shirt; =meterse en——­ de once varas= interfere in other people’s business. =camorra= f quarrel. =campana= f (large) bell. =campanilla= f (little) bell. =campana= f plain; the field; campaign. =campeador= champion, esp. the Cid, N =152= 31. =campeon= m champion. =campesino= rural, rustic, countryman, yeoman. =campina= f (arable) territory, region (around a town). =campo= m field, fields; the country. =canaleja= f watering-trough; shovel hat. =canalla= f riffraff, (set of) rascals; m rascal; adj (Gall.?) blackguardly; =——­ de= rascally. =canana= f cartridge-belt. =canario= m canary. =cancion= f song. =candelero= m candlestick. =candidatura= f candidacy. =canela= f cinnamon. =cangilon= m jar, pot. =canonigo= m canon. =cansancio= m exhaustion. =cansar= t tire, weary. =cantar= i or t sing; (of cock) crow. =cantara= f, =cantaro= m, pitcher. =cantidad= f quantity,
Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.