Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
i battle. =batallon= m battalion. =batir= t beat, beat against; r fight; =——­ palmas= clap one’s hands. =baul= m trunk. =bayo= bay (horse). =beatifico= beatific; (not in A.) seraphic (as if inspired by the Beatific Vision). =beber= t or i drink, drink up. =beduino= Bedouin. =behetria= f old-time free town, N =125= 1; anarchy, turmoil. =bellaqueria= f knavery. =belleza= f loveliness. =bello= beautiful (deeper word than =hermoso=). =bendecir= t bless. =bendicion= f blessing. =bendito= blessed; =un——­ = an innocent; =agua—­a= holy water. =beneficencia= f beneficence. =beneficio= m good deed, kindness. =beneficioso= beneficial, of benefit. =benefico= beneficent. =benevolencia= f kindness, kindliness, good will. =benevolo= benevolent, kindly; adv. =—­mente=. =benignidad= f suavity. =bergante= m scoundrel. =bermellonar= t vermilion, paint with vermilion. =besar= t kiss. =beso= m kiss. =bestia= f beast; lout, lubber. =besuquear= t keep kissing. =Biblia= f Bible. =bibliofilo= bibliophile. =biblioteca= f library. =bien= well; very; quite; easily; well off; comfortable; m good; =mas——­ = rather, w. imperative just; =si——­ = though w. accent on following auxiliary (w. do if no other auxiliary), even though; =o——­ = or else; =encontrar——­ = find good, think well of; =hombre de——­ = honest man. =bienestar= m welfare, well-being. =bigote= m often pl mustache. =bigotejo= m scrubby mustache. =bilioso= bilious. =bizarria= f gallantry. =bizco= squint-eyed; N =75= 22. =blanco= white. =blando= soft, sweet. =blanquecino= whitish. =blanquinegro= (not in A.) grizzled. =blasfemia= f blasphemy; (piece of) abuse, (piece of) billingsgate. =blasfemo= blasphemer, blasphemous. =boberia= f silliness. =bobo= dolt, simpleton; =sacar de——­ s= enlighten our ignorance, undeceive. =boca= f mouth. =boda= f wedding. =bofetada= f slap (hostile); =dar—­s, dar de—­s=, slap. =bofeton= m slap, hard slap. =bolita= f little ball. =bolsillo= m purse. =bombardear= t bombard. =bonachon= amiable. =bondad= f goodness, kindness, kindliness. =bondadoso= kindly, kind, amiable, benignant; adv. =—­mente=. =bonito= pretty. =boquete= m breach. =Borbon= m Bourbon; N =150= 31. =borboton= m uprush (of water, heaving the surface). =bordado= m embroidering. =bordar= t embroider. =borde= m edge. =bordo= m side (of ship); (A. ’obs.’) edge, margin, side (of anything). =borla= f tassel. =borracho= drunk, drunkard. =borrico= donkey. =bosque= m grove, thicket. =bostezar= i yawn, gape. =bota= f boot. =botella= f bottle. =botica= f drug-store. =boton= m button. =boveda= f vault. =bozo= m down (on youth’s face).
Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.