i battle. =batallon= m battalion. =batir=
t beat, beat against; r fight; =——
palmas= clap one’s hands. =baul= m trunk.
=bayo= bay (horse). =beatifico= beatific; (not
in A.) seraphic (as if inspired by the Beatific
Vision). =beber= t or i drink, drink up. =beduino=
Bedouin. =behetria= f old-time free town, N
=125= 1; anarchy, turmoil. =bellaqueria= f
knavery. =belleza= f loveliness. =bello= beautiful
(deeper word than =hermoso=). =bendecir= t
bless. =bendicion= f blessing. =bendito= blessed;
=un—— = an innocent; =agua—a=
holy water. =beneficencia= f beneficence.
=beneficio= m good deed, kindness. =beneficioso=
beneficial, of benefit. =benefico= beneficent. =benevolencia=
f kindness, kindliness, good will. =benevolo=
benevolent, kindly; adv. =—mente=.
=benignidad= f suavity. =bergante= m
scoundrel. =bermellonar= t vermilion, paint
with vermilion. =besar= t kiss. =beso= m
kiss. =bestia= f beast; lout, lubber. =besuquear=
t keep kissing. =Biblia= f Bible. =bibliofilo=
bibliophile. =biblioteca= f library. =bien=
well; very; quite; easily; well off; comfortable; m
good; =mas—— = rather, w. imperative
just; =si—— = though w. accent
on following auxiliary (w. do if no
other auxiliary), even though; =o——
= or else; =encontrar—— = find good,
think well of; =hombre de—— = honest
man. =bienestar= m welfare, well-being. =bigote=
m often pl mustache. =bigotejo= m scrubby
mustache. =bilioso= bilious. =bizarria= f
gallantry. =bizco= squint-eyed; N =75= 22. =blanco=
white. =blando= soft, sweet. =blanquecino= whitish.
=blanquinegro= (not in A.) grizzled. =blasfemia=
f blasphemy; (piece of) abuse, (piece of) billingsgate.
=blasfemo= blasphemer, blasphemous. =boberia= f
silliness. =bobo= dolt, simpleton; =sacar de——
s= enlighten our ignorance, undeceive. =boca= f
mouth. =boda= f wedding. =bofetada= f
slap (hostile); =dar—s, dar de—s=,
slap. =bofeton= m slap, hard slap. =bolita=
f little ball. =bolsillo= m purse.
=bombardear= t bombard. =bonachon= amiable.
=bondad= f goodness, kindness, kindliness.
=bondadoso= kindly, kind, amiable, benignant; adv.
=—mente=. =bonito= pretty. =boquete= m
breach. =Borbon= m Bourbon; N =150= 31. =borboton=
m uprush (of water, heaving the surface). =bordado=
m embroidering. =bordar= t embroider.
=borde= m edge. =bordo= m side (of ship);
(A. ’obs.’) edge, margin, side (of
anything). =borla= f tassel. =borracho= drunk,
drunkard. =borrico= donkey. =bosque= m grove,
thicket. =bostezar= i yawn, gape. =bota= f
boot. =botella= f bottle. =botica= f
drug-store. =boton= m button. =boveda= f
vault. =bozo= m down (on youth’s face).