Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
(not in A.) story. =aventurar= t risk; =—­do= venturesome, overbold. =avergonzar= r be ashamed. =averiguar= t ascertain, find out. =avisar= t warn (=a=) of (acc.). =ay= oh (’thoroughly Spanish for the oh of other peoples,’ Knapp); alas, ah me; =——­ de mi= oh poor me. =ayer= yesterday. =ayuda= f (=en= to) aid, help. =ayudar= t aid, help. =ayuno= m (=hacer, observar=, keep) fast, (=hacer= do) fasting. =ayuntamiento= m town council; town hall. =azada= f shovel. =azoramiento= m perturbation, bewilderment, flustering. =azote= m lash, cut of the whip, spank, stroke of spanking. =azotea= f (flat) roof (or part of roof; as place to walk on etc.). =azufre= m sulphur. =azul= blue.

=baba= f slaver, thick saliva. =bah= pshaw. =bailar= i dance. =bailarina= f ballet-dancer, chorus girl. =bailoteo= m dancing (’much, esp. without grace or decorum,’ A.), capering. =baja= f casualty, loss. =bajada= f descent. =bajar= i go down, come down, get down, descend; t lower, bring down; drop; acc. of place (=——­ la escalera=) not in A.. =bajeza= f lowness, meanness, paltriness. =bajo= under; lower; low; ’barbarism’ (A.) for =desde= before =punto de vista=. =bala= f shot (not of shotgun). =balbuciente= faltering, broken. =balbucir= i or t falter (in speech). =balcon= m balcony, balcony window. =baldosa= f tile (of floor). =balija (A. valija=) f valise, satchel, mail-bag. =banco= m bench; bank. =bandada= f flock (of birds flying), bevy, flight. =bandido= m bandit. =bandolerismo= m (not in A.) brigandage. =banquete= m banquet. =bano= m bath. =barba= f beard (pl in same sense), chin. =barbaridad= f barbarousness, foolhardiness, Gothishness, spirit of primitive savagehood; barbarity. =barbarie= f barbarism, savagery. =barbaro= barbarian, barbarous; foolhardy, harebrained, reckless. =barbilampino= thin-bearded. =barda= f brushwood (or straw etc.) on top of wall (to prevent tapia from weathering away). =bardal= m a tapia topped with brush; say wall. =barniz= m varnish. =barra= f bar (N =13= 1). =barraca= f hut. =barranco= m gully, ravine. =barrer= t sweep. =barricada= f barricade. =barrido= m sweeping; sweepings. =barro= m wet earth, clay; =de——­ = earthen. =barruntar= t have an inkling of. =Bartolome= m Bartolome, Bartholomew. =basca= f qualm. =base= f base, basis. =basilisco= m basilisk. =bastante= enough; tolerably, a good deal, rather. =bastar= i suffice; =basta= enough, no need of any more; =con X. basta (y sobra)= X. is enough (and more). =bastardear= i (not r by A.) degenerate, be debased. =batalla= f battle. =batallar=

Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.