Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.
m lump of dough, congeries. =ambicion= f ambition. =ambicioncilla= f grain of ambition. =ambito= m space, precincts. =ambos= both, both the. =amedrentar= t put in fear, make afraid. =amenaza= f threat. =amenazador= threatening. =amenazar= t threaten. =amenguar= t impair. =ameno= pleasant. =amerengado= meringuy, meringue-like; fig. mushy, unsubstantial. =amigable= friendly (in negative sense of mere absence of ill feeling). =amigo= friend, friendly (positively), with whom one is on friendly terms; the f. =amiga=, unmodified, when applied to a man’s friend, admits of a double meaning and hence is avoided by some, but G. and other good writers use it without bad sense. =amigote= bosom friend, pal, that friend of his. =amiguito= good friend, little friend, child friend; =——­ de escuela= school friend of one’s childhood. =aminorar= t lessen. =amistad= f friendship; =hacer——­ = make friends. =amistoso= friendly. =amo= master (of house or servants), owner; =—­a= (priest’s, bachelor’s) housekeeper. =amonestacion= f admonition. =amonestar= t admonish. =amor= m love. =amoratado= empurpled (cf. =mora= mulberry). =amoroso= loving, love, amorous, of love. =amparar= t protect; r Gall. take possession. =amparo= m (=a= under) shelter (=de= of, =209= 7; =de= from, =209= 15), protection. =ampolla= f blister. =anacoreta= m anchorite, hermit. =analizar= t analyze. =anatema= m anathema. =anciano= old man, aged. =ancho= broad. =andante= errant; =caballeria——­ = knight-errantry. =andar= i go (=tras= after, about; =con= in of clothing, typically; =en= in of clothing, literally), walk; w. gerund or ptc. be; =—­se con= use, take; =no me—­en con gramaticas= don’t go talking Latin; =todo se—­a= it will come in good time; =modo de——­ = gait; =anda, ande usted=, fie, pooh, for shame. =anden= m platform (of railway station). =anegar= t flood, drown. =anemico= anaemic. =anfora= f amphora. =angel= m angel. =angelical= angelic. =angosto= narrow. =angulo= m angle, corner. =angustia= f anguish. =angustiado= anguished; currently (A.) shabby. =angustioso= anguished; harrowing, agonizing. =anhelar= i pant; t pant for. =anhelo= m longing. =animacion= f animation. =animal= m animal, creature; dunce, adj. animal; ignorant. =animalejo= m depr creature. =animalito= m little creature. =animar= t animate. =animo= m spirit; mind; courage. =aniquilar= t annihilate, extinguish. =anoche= last night. =anochecer= i the night comes on, night falls; m nightfall. =anonimo= anonymous; m anonymous letter. =ansiedad= f anxiety, anxiousness. =antagonista= antagonist. =antano= m last year; formerly; bygone days; =de——­ = old-time; =aquel de——­ = the old-time sort.
Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.