m lump of dough, congeries. =ambicion= f
ambition. =ambicioncilla= f grain of ambition.
=ambito= m space, precincts. =ambos= both,
both the. =amedrentar= t put in fear, make
afraid. =amenaza= f threat. =amenazador= threatening.
=amenazar= t threaten. =amenguar= t
impair. =ameno= pleasant. =amerengado= meringuy,
meringue-like; fig. mushy, unsubstantial. =amigable=
friendly (in negative sense of mere absence of ill
feeling). =amigo= friend, friendly (positively), with
whom one is on friendly terms; the f. =amiga=,
unmodified, when applied to a man’s friend,
admits of a double meaning and hence is avoided by
some, but G. and other good writers use it without
bad sense. =amigote= bosom friend, pal, that friend
of his. =amiguito= good friend, little friend, child
friend; =—— de escuela= school friend
of one’s childhood. =aminorar= t lessen.
=amistad= f friendship; =hacer——
= make friends. =amistoso= friendly. =amo= master
(of house or servants), owner; =—a= (priest’s,
bachelor’s) housekeeper. =amonestacion= f
admonition. =amonestar= t admonish. =amor=
m love. =amoratado= empurpled (cf. =mora=
mulberry). =amoroso= loving, love, amorous, of love.
=amparar= t protect; r Gall. take possession.
=amparo= m (=a= under) shelter (=de= of, =209=
7; =de= from, =209= 15), protection. =ampolla= f
blister. =anacoreta= m anchorite, hermit.
=analizar= t analyze. =anatema= m anathema.
=anciano= old man, aged. =ancho= broad. =andante=
errant; =caballeria—— = knight-errantry.
=andar= i go (=tras= after, about; =con= in
of clothing, typically; =en= in of clothing,
literally), walk; w. gerund or ptc. be;
=—se con= use, take; =no me—en
con gramaticas= don’t go talking Latin; =todo
se—a= it will come in good time; =modo de——
= gait; =anda, ande usted=, fie, pooh, for shame.
=anden= m platform (of railway station). =anegar=
t flood, drown. =anemico= anaemic. =anfora=
f amphora. =angel= m angel. =angelical=
angelic. =angosto= narrow. =angulo= m angle,
corner. =angustia= f anguish. =angustiado=
anguished; currently (A.) shabby. =angustioso=
anguished; harrowing, agonizing. =anhelar= i
pant; t pant for. =anhelo= m longing.
=animacion= f animation. =animal= m
animal, creature; dunce, adj. animal; ignorant.
=animalejo= m depr creature. =animalito= m
little creature. =animar= t animate. =animo=
m spirit; mind; courage. =aniquilar= t
annihilate, extinguish. =anoche= last night. =anochecer=
i the night comes on, night falls; m
nightfall. =anonimo= anonymous; m anonymous
letter. =ansiedad= f anxiety, anxiousness.
=antagonista= antagonist. =antano= m last year;
formerly; bygone days; =de—— = old-time;
=aquel de—— = the old-time sort.