Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

=170= 17 =entregara=:  for tense cf. n. on p. 110, l. 22.

=170= 10 saldria=:  for tense cf. n. on p. 3, l. 17.

=170= 20 =sin tapujos=:  ‘unmuffled.’  The Spanish =capa=, thrown round the neck and face as well as the body, is an unrivaled means of disguise.  It is a point of Spanish courtesy, when wearing the =capa=, to unmuffle (=desembozarse=) before addressing any one.

=171= 13 =se hizo sangre=:  ‘drew blood’ (se = on herself).

=171= 17 =patetico:  not ‘pathetic.’

=171= 20 =inmenso=:  cf. the Academy’s definition “=no caber el corazon en el pecho=, be so wrought up by some occasion of grief or anger that it cannot get relief or quiet,” and, since Arabic has affected Spanish so much, the Arabic phrase “his breast is narrow” to express the same idea.

=171= 24 =Entre tanto=:  this ought to mean while the conversations of pp. 170-171 were going on; and this is doubtless the meaning, however difficult it may be to reconcile this with =dormia o aparentaba dormir= on the next page.

=172= 15 =rezar=:  properly this means reciting the prescribed prayers of the Church (so that Protestants prefer to say =orar=); otherwise here.

=173= 1 =tan solo=:  ‘merely,’ ‘and nothing more.’

=173= 6 =dicha=:  noun.—­=conciliarlo todo=:  cf. n. on p. 32, l. 17.

=173= 19 =que no movia=:  elliptical for =de manera que=, etc., or the like, equivalent to an English participle construction, ’not moving a foot,’ etc.

=173= 27 =expectativa=:  Madrid edition =espectativa=, cf. n. on p. 102, l. 27.

=173= 32 =extrano=:  the dream, which thus far had been fairly faithful memory, begins from this point onward to mix dream-fancies with facts.

=173= 34 =recortada=:  this word is applied to the “cut” or lobed leaves of plants and trees; also to silhouettes cut out of paper.

=175= 12 =_Agnus Dei_=:  a common object of household adoration in Catholic countries, consisting of a flat piece of wax on which is stamped the figure of a lamb supporting the cross, or of some saint.  These tokens are blessed by the Pope in large numbers, generally every seventh year, and distributed among Catholics.  The possession of one is supposed to be a protection against misfortune.

=175= 13 =rizada=:  Palm Sunday in Spain has two kinds of palms, both alike blessed:  the simple natural bits of palm-leaf, and those which are =rizadas=, i.e. frilled and crimped into all sorts of ornamental shapes with a view to using them as decorations.

=175= 14 =flores de trapo=:  ‘artificial flowers’ (lit. ’of cloth’).

=175= 18 =narigudo=:  such was the meaning of Ovid’s surname, Naso.  There is perhaps also a reminiscence of the secondary meaning of Lat. nasutus, ‘witty,’ ‘clever.’

=175= 19 =conceptista=:  the =conceptista= style in Spanish literature is that style of which Quevedo was the most eminent master.  See cyclopedias under “Quevedo” and under “Spanish Literature.”

Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.