Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

Doña Perfecta eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 512 pages of information about Doña Perfecta.

=129= 20 =perezca=, etc.:  ‘die and be born again.’

=129= 25 =en 1848=:  cf. n. on p. 125, l. 20.

=129= 26 =en puertas=:  i.e. on police duty.

=130= 3 =maldicion de Dios=:  cf. “=ser bendicion de Dios= (figurative and colloquial phrase) be very abundant”, Academy.

=130= 16 =de que pie cojea=:  i.e. what really ails it.

=130= 19 =ello es=:  R. 302; K. 188, a; C. 206, 2.

=131= 2 =Como se van atando cabos=:  lit. ‘how ends go getting tied!’ i.e. ‘how things do fit together (in one’s mind)!’ Cf. vocabulary under =atar=.

=131= 20 =sueltas=:  ‘from time to time,’ ‘now and then’ (lit. ’disconnected’).

=131= 23 =desperezandose=:  the Academy defines this as stretching and twisting in order to shake off either =pereza= (in the sense “repugnance to rising from one’s bed or seat”) or the numbness of a sleepy limb.

=131= 31 =ya no se estilan=:  ‘are no longer good form.’

=132= 14 =Al mirar=:  ‘when she looked.’

=133= 5 =para=:  from =parar=.

=133= 19 =cinco=:  the Madrid edition has =cincos=.

=136= 18 =te confieso=, etc.:  ‘confess to you—­Yes, I have indeed,’ etc.

=136= 25 =cada vez=:  ‘all the time.’

=136= 28 =brios=:  ‘spirit.’

=138= 22 =Que se acabo todo=:  ‘it’s all over.’  For use of =que= cf.  R. 1421.  For tense of =acabo= cf. n. on p. 40, l. 1.

=139= 17 =todo lo=:  ‘everything.’  Cf. n. on p. 32, l. 17.

=139= 27 =con perfecta conciencia de si misma=:  ’thoroughly self-conscious.’

=140= 9 =olor de infalibilidad=:  a variation of the traditional phrase =olor de santidad=, ‘odor of sanctity,’ which arose from the belief formerly current that the dead body of a saintly person emits a sweet smell.

=141= 3 =adocenados=:  ‘common,’ ‘vulgar’ (derived from =docena=, and applied to what is reckoned by dozens, not individually).

=141= 10 =acabo=:  cf. n. on p. 40, l. 1.

=141= 23 =patetica=:  not ‘pathetic.’

=141= 34 =entre usted y yo=:  cf. n. on p. 46, l. 19.

=142= 30 =Guardia civil=:  cf. n. on p. 9, l. 29.

=143= 19 =alzado la mano a=:  ‘"lifted his hand” against,’ i.e. struck.

=143= 22 =montado=:  ‘equipped,’ ‘furnished’ (Gallicism = Fr. monte).  The word lends itself easily, however, to the play on words involved in the succeeding phrases, =a la altura, a la bajeza=, because from the true Spanish =montar= it is strongly colored with the meaning ‘ascend’ or ‘cause to ascend.’

=143= 29 =si bien=:  this phrase introduces a fact which cannot be denied, but insists that that fact does not alter the main point.  Cf. p. 124, l. 21.

=144= 10 =a partir un confite=:  ‘hail-fellow-well-met.’  The dictionary says:  “=morder en un confite=, of two or more persons, have great friendship or intimacy”; “=estar a partir un pinon con=, be entirely at one with.”

Project Gutenberg
Doña Perfecta from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.