=129= 20 =perezca=, etc.: ‘die and be born again.’
=129= 25 =en 1848=: cf. n. on p. 125, l. 20.
=129= 26 =en puertas=: i.e. on police duty.
=130= 3 =maldicion de Dios=: cf. “=ser bendicion de Dios= (figurative and colloquial phrase) be very abundant”, Academy.
=130= 16 =de que pie cojea=: i.e. what really ails it.
=130= 19 =ello es=: R. 302; K. 188, a; C. 206, 2.
=131= 2 =Como se van atando cabos=: lit. ‘how ends go getting tied!’ i.e. ‘how things do fit together (in one’s mind)!’ Cf. vocabulary under =atar=.
=131= 20 =sueltas=: ‘from time to time,’ ‘now and then’ (lit. ’disconnected’).
=131= 23 =desperezandose=: the Academy defines this as stretching and twisting in order to shake off either =pereza= (in the sense “repugnance to rising from one’s bed or seat”) or the numbness of a sleepy limb.
=131= 31 =ya no se estilan=: ‘are no longer good form.’
=132= 14 =Al mirar=: ‘when she looked.’
=133= 5 =para=: from =parar=.
=133= 19 =cinco=: the Madrid edition has =cincos=.
=136= 18 =te confieso=, etc.: ‘confess to you—Yes, I have indeed,’ etc.
=136= 25 =cada vez=: ‘all the time.’
=136= 28 =brios=: ‘spirit.’
=138= 22 =Que se acabo todo=: ‘it’s all over.’ For use of =que= cf. R. 1421. For tense of =acabo= cf. n. on p. 40, l. 1.
=139= 17 =todo lo=: ‘everything.’ Cf. n. on p. 32, l. 17.
=139= 27 =con perfecta conciencia de si misma=: ’thoroughly self-conscious.’
=140= 9 =olor de infalibilidad=: a variation of the traditional phrase =olor de santidad=, ‘odor of sanctity,’ which arose from the belief formerly current that the dead body of a saintly person emits a sweet smell.
=141= 3 =adocenados=: ‘common,’ ‘vulgar’ (derived from =docena=, and applied to what is reckoned by dozens, not individually).
=141= 10 =acabo=: cf. n. on p. 40, l. 1.
=141= 23 =patetica=: not ‘pathetic.’
=141= 34 =entre usted y yo=: cf. n. on p. 46, l. 19.
=142= 30 =Guardia civil=: cf. n. on p. 9, l. 29.
=143= 19 =alzado la mano a=: ‘"lifted his hand” against,’ i.e. struck.
=143= 22 =montado=: ‘equipped,’ ‘furnished’ (Gallicism = Fr. monte). The word lends itself easily, however, to the play on words involved in the succeeding phrases, =a la altura, a la bajeza=, because from the true Spanish =montar= it is strongly colored with the meaning ‘ascend’ or ‘cause to ascend.’
=143= 29 =si bien=: this phrase introduces a fact which cannot be denied, but insists that that fact does not alter the main point. Cf. p. 124, l. 21.
=144= 10 =a partir un confite=: ‘hail-fellow-well-met.’ The dictionary says: “=morder en un confite=, of two or more persons, have great friendship or intimacy”; “=estar a partir un pinon con=, be entirely at one with.”