The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 218 pages of information about The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle.

The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 218 pages of information about The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle.

Aleck Pop was very much interested in such conversation as he had overheard, and as he had accompanied the boys to the jungles of Africa and on the houseboat trip he was very anxious to be a member of the present party.

“I don’t see how yo’ young gen’men is gwine to get along widout me,” he said to Sam.  “Don’t yo’ think you kin squeeze me aboadh somehow?”

“Aren’t you afraid you’d get seasick, Aleck?” asked Sam.

“I ain’t afraid ob muffin, if only yo’ll take me along,” answered the darkey earnestly.

“I suppose the steam yacht has its cook.”

“Dat might be, Massa Sam, but didn’t I cook all right on dot houseboat?”

“You certainly did.”

“Might be as how I could gab dot cook on de yacht seem p’ints as to wot yo’ young gen’men like, ain’t dot so?”

“Perhaps, Aleck.  If you wish, I’ll speak to father about it.”

“T’ank yo’ werry much, Massa Sam!”

“But you must promise one thing,” put Tom, who was listening to the talk.

“Wot is dat?”

“You won’t run off and marry the widow Taylor when you get back.”

“Huh!  I’se done wid dat trash!” snorted Aleck.  “She kin mahrry dat Thomas an’ welcome.  I don’t want her or her chillun neither!”

“All right, then, Aleck, we’ll, see what we can do for you,” said Tom, and Sam said the same.  In the end it was agreed that Aleck should accompany the party as a general helper, and this pleased the colored man very much.  It was a lucky thing for the boys that Aleck went along, as certain later events proved.



The more the Rover boys talked about the treasure hunt the more enthusiastic they became, until, as Tom expressed it, they were “simply boiling over with enthusiasm.”

“It will be a grand thing for the Stanhopes and the Lanings if we do locate that treasure,” said Sam.  “Mr. Laning has some money, but I know he’d like more, so he wouldn’t have to farm quite so hard.”

“And Dick wants to get all he can for Dora, I’m certain of that,” said Tom, with a merry glance at his elder brother.

“How about you getting the Laning share for Nellie’s benefit?” retorted Dick, his face growing red.  “I reckon the boot is as long as the shoe.”

As the Rovers had plenty of money it was an easy matter to arrange for the expenses of the trip.  Mrs. Stanhope wanted to pay a share, but Anderson Rover said she had better wait until the treasure was found.

Inside of three, days word was received from all those who had been asked to participate in the search.  Mr. Laning said that he could not leave his farm very well, but that his wife and two daughters would go.  Mrs. Stanhope and Dora said they would pack immediately.  Fred Garrison was visiting Hans Mueller and the two sent a telegram as follows: 

Project Gutenberg
The Rover Boys on Treasure Isle from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.