The Christmas Angel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 61 pages of information about The Christmas Angel.

The Christmas Angel eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 61 pages of information about The Christmas Angel.

Just then there was a noise outside.  An automobile honked past, and Miss Terry shuddered, recalling the pathetic end of the Flanton Dog, which had given her quite a turn.

“I hate those horrid machines!” she exclaimed.  “They seem like Juggernaut.  I’d like to forbid their going through this street.”

She crowded the elephant with Noah and the rest of his charge back into the ark and closed the lid.  “I can’t throw this out of the window,” she reflected.  “They would spill.  I must take it out on the sidewalk.  Land!  The fire’s going out!  That girl doesn’t know how to build fires so they will keep.”

She laid the Noah’s ark on the table, and going to the closet tugged out several big logs, which she arranged geometrically.  About laying fires, as about most other things, Miss Terry had her own positive theories.  Taking the bellows in hand she blew furiously, and was presently rewarded with a brisk blaze.  She smiled with satisfaction, and trotted upstairs to find her red knit shawl.  With this about her shoulders she was prepared to brave the December frost.  Down the steps she went, and deposited the ark discreetly at their foot; then returned to take up her position behind the curtains.

There were a good many people passing, but they seemed too preoccupied to glance down at the sidewalk.  They were nearly all hurrying in one direction.  Some were running in the middle of the street.

“They are in a great hurry,” sniffed Miss Terry disdainfully.  “One would think they had something really important on hand.  I suppose they are going to hear the singing.  Fiddlestick!”

A man hastened by under the window; a woman; two children, a boy and a girl, running and gesticulating eagerly.  None of them noticed the Noah’s ark lying at the foot of the steps.

Miss Terry began to grow impatient.  “Are they all blind?” she fretted.  “What is the matter with them?  I wish somebody would find the thing.  I am tired of seeing it lying there.”

She tapped the floor impatiently with her slipper.  Just then a woman approached.  She was dressed in the most uncompromising of mourning, and she walked slowly, with bent head, never glancing at the lighted windows on either side.

“She will see it,” commented Miss Terry.  And sure enough, she did.  She stopped at the doorstep, drew her skirts aside, and bent over to look at the strange-shaped box at her feet.  Finally she lifted it But immediately she shivered and acted so strangely that Miss Terry thought she was about to break the toy in pieces on the steps or throw it into the street.  Evidently she detested the sight of it.

Just then up came a second woman with two small boys hanging at her skirts.  They were ragged and sick-looking.  There was something about the expression of even the tiny knot of hair at the back of the woman’s head which told of anxious poverty.  With envious curiosity she hurried up to see what a luckier mortal had found, crowding to look over her shoulder.  The woman in black drew haughtily away and clutched the Noah’s ark with a gesture of proprietorship.

Project Gutenberg
The Christmas Angel from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.