the leading men in those parties, I cannot hesitate
to lay before you my opinion, that, whilst any kind
of discouragements and disqualifications remain on
the Catholics, an handle will be made by a factious
power utterly to defeat the benefits of any civil
rights they may apparently possess. I need not
go to very remote times for my examples. It was
within the course of about a twelvemonth, that, after
Parliament had been led into a step quite unparalleled
in its records, after they had resisted all concession,
and even hearing, with an obstinacy equal to anything
that could have actuated a party domination in the
second or eighth of Queen Anne, after the strange
adventure of the Grand Juries, and after Parliament
had listened to the sovereign pleading for the emancipation
of his subjects,—it was after all this,
that such a grudging and discontent was expressed
as must justly have alarmed, as it did extremely alarm,
the whole of the Catholic body: and I remember
but one period in my whole life (I mean the savage
period between 1781 and 1767) in which they have been
more harshly or contumeliously treated than since
the last partial enlargement. And thus I am convinced
it will be, by paroxysms, as long as any stigma remains
on them, and whilst they are considered as no better
than half citizens. If they are kept such for
any length of time, they will be made whole Jacobins.
Against this grand and dreadful evil of our time (I
do not love to cheat myself or others) I do not know
any solid security whatsoever; but I am quite certain
that what will come nearest to it is to interest as
many as you can in the present order of things, religiously,
civilly, politically, by all the ties and principles
by which mankind are held. This is like to be
effectual policy: I am sure it is honorable policy:
and it is better to fail, if fail we must, in the
paths of direct and manly than of low and crooked
As to the capacity of sitting in Parliament, after
all the capacities for voting, for the army, for the
navy, for the professions, for civil offices, it is
a dispute de lana caprina, in my poor opinion,—at
least on the part of those who oppose it. In the
first place, this admission to office, and this exclusion
from Parliament, on the principle of an exclusion
from political power, is the very reverse of the principle
of the English Test Act. If I were to form a judgment
from experience rather than theory, I should doubt
much whether the capacity for or even the possession
of a seat in Parliament did really convey much of
power to be properly called political. I have
sat there, with some observation, for nine-and-twenty
years, or thereabouts. The power of a member
of Parliament is uncertain and indirect; and if power,
rather than splendor and fame, were the object, I should
think that any of the principal clerks in office,
to say nothing of their superiors, (several of whom
are disqualified by law for seats in Parliament,)
possess far more power than nine tenths of the members