The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12).

The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12) eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 407 pages of information about The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12).

[Sidenote:  Marts to be established on the coast.]

1.  Be it hereby enacted, that the coast of Africa, on which the said trade for negroes may be carried on, shall be and is hereby divided into marts or staples, as hereafter follows. [Here name the marts.] And be it enacted, that it shall not be lawful for the master of any ship to purchase any negro or negroes, but at one of the said marts or staples.

[Sidenote:  Governors and counsellors.]

2.  That the directors of the African Company shall appoint, where not already appointed, a governor, with three counsellors, at each of the said marts, with a salary of ——­ to the governor, and of ——­ to each of the said counsellors.  The said governor, or, in his absence or illness, the senior counsellor, shall and is hereby empowered to act as a justice of the peace, and they, or either of them, are authorized, ordered, and directed to provide for the peace of the settlement, and the good regulation of their station and stations severally, according to the rules of justice, to the directions of this act, and the instructions they shall receive from time to time from the said African Company.  And the said African Company is hereby authorized to prepare instructions, with the assent of the Lords of his Majesty’s Privy Council, which shall be binding in all things not contrary to this act, or to the laws of England, on the said governors and counsellors, and every of them, and on all persons acting in commission with them under this act, and on all persons residing within the jurisdiction of the magistrates of the said mart.

[Sidenote:  Ships of war stationed.]

3.  And be it enacted, that the Lord High Admiral, or commissioners for executing his office, shall appoint one or more, as they shall see convenient, of his Majesty’s ships or sloops of war, under the command severally of a post-captain, or master and commander, to each mart, as a naval station.

[Sidenote:  Inspectors appointed.]

4.  And be it enacted, that the Lord High Treasurer, or the commissioners for executing his office, shall name two inspectors of the said trade at every mart, who shall provide for the execution of this act, according to the directions thereof, so far as shall relate to them; and it is hereby provided and enacted, that, as cases of sudden emergency may arise, the said governor or first counsellor, and the first commander of his Majesty’s ship or ships on the said station, and the said inspectors, or the majority of them, the governor having a double or casting vote, shall have power and authority to make such occasional rules and orders relating to the said trade as shall not be contrary to the instructions of the African Company, and which shall be valid until the same are revoked by the said African Company.

[Sidenote:  Lands may be purchased.]

5.  That the said African Company is hereby authorized to purchase, if the same may conveniently be done, with the consent of the Privy Council, any lands adjoining to the fort or principal mart aforesaid, not exceeding ——­ acres, and to make allotments of the same; no allotment to one person to exceed (on pain of forfeiture) ——­ acres.

Project Gutenberg
The Works of the Right Honourable Edmund Burke, Vol. 06 (of 12) from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.