A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin.

A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 201 pages of information about A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
they call it an apprenticeship, but it is slavery notwithstanding.  Yes, it is involuntary slavery and nothing else.  But yet she would have us believe that she feels an intense interest in African slavery, in the United States.  How does it happen that she is so interested about slavery among us, but is deaf to the cry of her own enslaved and starving millions, in British India, and other parts of her dominions?  It is said that in 1838, five hundred thousand perished of famine, in a single district, in British India; and that too within the reach of English granaries locked up, and guarded by a military force!  This is a fair sample of English benevolence; alias, English cupidity.  And what says Allison the English historian of wretched Ireland?  Her history and her sufferings are familiar to every one.  He avows the opinion, in his History of Europe, “that it would be a real blessing to its inhabitants, in lieu of the destitution of freedom, to obtain the protection of slavery.”  And Murray the English traveler says of the slaves of the United States, “if they could forget that they are slaves, their condition is decidedly better than the great mass of European laborers.”  And what said Dr. Durbin a few years ago of the British nation?  He told us that “the mass of the people were slaves, and the few were masters without the responsibility of masters.”  He proceeds to tell us, that the condition of the slaves of the United States, is in every respect better than millions in Ireland and England.  This is the testimony of a distinguished minister of the Methodist Episcopal Church, (North,) whom, nobody will suspect of any undue partiality for Southern slave-holders.  When we look at the “degradation, the slavery, the exile, the hunger, the toil, the filth and the nakedness,” of the English poor, we are astonished at the brazen impudence of that cruel, godless, and hypocritical nation!  Nor are we less surprised, when we think of the ungodly crew of fools and fanatics in the United States, who are leagued with that monster England to overthrow their own government!  I have said, and I boldly reiterate the assertion, that slavery exists in every part of the British dominions, in a form far worse than negro slavery in the United States!  And I am able to corroborate the truth of the remark, by a volume of the most reliable testimony; and much of that might be drawn from the admissions of English Journals, and English statesmen.  I will quote a few more English authorities, and dismiss the subject.  The British Asiatic Journal says, “the whole of Hindostan, with the adjacent possessions, is one magnificent plantation, peopled by more than one hundred millions of slaves, belonging to a company of gentlemen in England, whose power is far more unlimited than any Southern planter over his slaves in the United States.”  And the same authority tells us, “that in Malabar, the islands of Ceylon, St. Helena and other places, the English government is a notorious slave-factor—­a regular jobber
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A Review of Uncle Tom's Cabin from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.