The High School Failures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 116 pages of information about The High School Failures.

The High School Failures eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 116 pages of information about The High School Failures.

54.  Thorndike, E.L. Individuality, pp. 38, 51.

55.  Neuman, H. Moral Values in Secondary Education, United States Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 51, 1917, pp. 18, 17.

56.  Maxwell, W.H. A Quarter Century of Public School Development, p. 89.

57.  Thorndike, E.L. The Elimination of Pupils from School, U.S.  Bureau of Education Bulletin, No. 4, 1907, p. 10.

58.  Farrington, F.E. French Secondary Schools, p. 124.

59.  Inglis, A. Principles of Secondary Education, p. 669.

60.  Committee of N.E.A. Vocational Secondary Education, U.S.  Bureau of Education Bulletin No. 21, 1916, p. 58.

61.  Breslich, E.R. Supervised Study as Supplementary Instruction, Thirteenth Yearbook, p. 43.

62.  Minnick, J.H.  “The Supervised Study of Mathematics,” School Review, 21-670.

63.  Wiener, W.  “Home Study Reform,” School Review, 20-526.

64.  Colvin, S.S. An Introduction to High School Teaching, p. 366.

65.  Brown, J.S. School and Home Education, February, 1915, p. 207.

66.  Reavis, W.C.  “Supervised Study,” in Parker’s Methods of Teaching in the High School, p. 398.


FRANCIS PAUL OBRIEN was born at Overton, Pa., November 12, 1885.

He received his early education in the village school of Overton, Pa., and graduated from the high school at Wilkesbarre, Pa., in 1904.  He was a student at Lafayette College, Easton, Pa., receiving the Bachelor of Arts degree in 1908.  He was a graduate student at Teachers College, Columbia University, from 1915 to 1918, receiving the degree of Master of Arts in Education in 1916.

During 1908-09 he was high school teacher of science and history at South River, N.J.; 1909-10, principal of the high school, and 1910-15 superintendent of schools at South River, N.J.

He received honors and held offices in college as follows:  Competitive prize scholarship at Lafayette College, and junior oratorical prize at the same college, 1907; officer in college debating club, 1907-1908; vice-president of Y.M.C.A., Teachers College, 1907; member of Columbia chapter, Phi Delta Kappa, 1917.

Project Gutenberg
The High School Failures from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.