A Voyage to New Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about A Voyage to New Holland.

A Voyage to New Holland eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 137 pages of information about A Voyage to New Holland.

One of his deputies was the governor of Santa Cruz, with whom I was to have dined; but staying so long at Laguna, I came but time enough to sup with him.  He is a civil, discreet man.  He resides in the main fort close by the sea.  There is a sentinel stands at his door; and he has a few servants to wait on him.  I was treated in a large dark lower room, which has but one small window.  There were about 200 muskets hung up against the walls, and some pikes; no wainscot, hangings, nor much furniture.  There was only a small old table, a few old chairs, and 2 or 3 pretty long forms to sit on.  Having supped with him I invited him on board, and went off in my boat.  The next morning he came aboard with another gentleman in his company, attended by 2 servants:  but he was presently seasick and so much out of order that he could scarce eat or drink anything, but went quickly ashore again.

Of the winds in these seas.

Having refreshed my men ashore, and taken in what we had occasion for, I sailed away from Santa Cruz on February 4 in the afternoon; hastening out all I could, because the north-east winds growing stormy made so great sea that the ship was scarce safe in the road; and I was glad to get out, though we left behind several goods we had bought and paid for:  for a boat could not go ashore; and the stress was so great in weighing anchor that the cable broke.  I designed next for the Island of Mayo, one of the Cape Verde Islands; and ran away with a strong north-east wind right before it all that night and the next day, at the rate of 10 or 11 miles an hour; when it slackened to a more moderate gale.  The Canary Islands are, for their latitude, within the usual verge of the true or general tradewind; which I have observed to be, on this side the equator, north-easterly:  but then, lying not far from the African shore, they are most subject to a north wind, which is the coasting and constant trade, sweeping that coast down as low as to Cape Verde; which, spreading in breadth, takes in mostly the Canary Islands; though it be there interrupted frequently with the true tradewind, north-west winds, or other shifts of wind that islands are subject to; especially where they lie many together.  The Pike of Tenerife, which had generally been clouded while we lay at Santa Cruz, appeared now all white with snow, hovering over the other hills; but their height made it seem the less considerable; for it looks most remarkable to ships that are to the westward of it.  We had brisk north-north-east and north-east winds from Tenerife, and saw flying-fish, and a great deal of sea-thistle weed floating.  By the 9th of February at noon we were in the latitude of 15 degrees 4 minutes so we steered away west-north-west for the island of Mayo, being by judgment not far to the east of it, and at 8 o’clock in the evening lay by till day.  The wind was then at west by south, and so it continued all night, fair weather,

Project Gutenberg
A Voyage to New Holland from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.