Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon.

Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon eBook

This eBook from the Gutenberg Project consists of approximately 55 pages of information about Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon.
poh. Blue (light), spo’-oh. Blue (dark), klale. Blunder, to, tsee’-pie. Board, la plash. Boat, boat. Bob-tailed; a bob-tailed horse, sis’-ki-you. Boil, to, lip’-lip. Bone, stone. Borrow, to, a-yah-whul. Bosom (female), to-toosh. Both, kun’-a-moxt. Bottle, la-boo-ti’. Bow, o’-pitl-kegh. Bowl, oos’-kan. Box, la ca-sett’. Bracelet, klik’-wal-lie. Brave, skoo’-kum tum’-tum. Bread, le pan. Break, to, kok’-shut. Breasts, to-toosh’. Breech clout, o’-poots sill. Bridle, la bleed. Bright, to-wagh. Broad, kluk-ulh’. Broom, bloom. Brother, kahp-ho, if elder than the speaker;
           ow, if younger.  Male cousins the same.
Brother-in-law, ek’-keh. Bucket, ta-mo’-litsh. Buffalo, moos’-moos. Bullet, le bal; ka-li’-tan. Bundle, kow. But, pe. Butter, to-toosh’ la-kles’. Buttons, tsil’-tsil. Buy, to, mah-kook. By-and-by, win’-a-pie.


Candle, la shan-del’. Carrot, la ca-lat’. Carry, to, lo’ lo. Cart, tsik’-tsik; chik’-chik. Cascade, tum’ wa-ter. Castrate, to, mahsh stone. Cat, puss’-puss. Cataract, tum’ wa-ter. Cattle, moos’-moos. Certainly, na-wit’-ka. Chain, la shen; chik’a-min lope. Chair, la shase. Cheat, to, la-lah. Chicken, la pool. Chief, ty-ee’. Child, ten’-as. Clams, o’-na; luk’-ut-chee; la-kwit’-chee. Clams, the large kind, smet-ocks. Clear up, to, chah-ko klah. Cloth (cotton), sail. Clouds, smoke. Coat, ca-po’. Coffee, kau’-py. Cold, cole; tshis. Comb, comb. Comb, to, mam’-ook comb. Come, to, chah-ko. Confess, to, yi’-em. Conjuring, ta-mah-no-us. Cook, to, mam’-ook pi’-ah. Copper, pil chik’-a-min. Cord, ten’-as lope. Corn, e-salt’h’, or ye-salt’h’. Corral, kul-lagh. Cotton goods, sail. Cough, hoh’-hoh. Count, to, mam’-ook kwun’-nun. Cousin, see brother and sister. Coyote, tal’-a-pus. Crab apple, pow’-itsh. Cranberry, so’-le-mie. Crazy, pel’-ton. Cream colored, le clem. Crooked, ki’-wa. Cross, la clo-a’. Crow, kah-kah. Cry, to, cly. Cup, oos’-kan. Curly, hunl’-kih. Cut, to, tl’ko’-pe.

Project Gutenberg
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade Language of Oregon from Project Gutenberg. Public domain.