ow, if younger. Male cousins the same.
Brother-in-law, ek’-keh. Bucket, ta-mo’-litsh. Buffalo, moos’-moos. Bullet, le bal; ka-li’-tan. Bundle, kow. But, pe. Butter, to-toosh’ la-kles’. Buttons, tsil’-tsil. Buy, to, mah-kook. By-and-by, win’-a-pie.
Candle, la shan-del’. Carrot, la ca-lat’. Carry, to, lo’ lo. Cart, tsik’-tsik; chik’-chik. Cascade, tum’ wa-ter. Castrate, to, mahsh stone. Cat, puss’-puss. Cataract, tum’ wa-ter. Cattle, moos’-moos. Certainly, na-wit’-ka. Chain, la shen; chik’a-min lope. Chair, la shase. Cheat, to, la-lah. Chicken, la pool. Chief, ty-ee’. Child, ten’-as. Clams, o’-na; luk’-ut-chee; la-kwit’-chee. Clams, the large kind, smet-ocks. Clear up, to, chah-ko klah. Cloth (cotton), sail. Clouds, smoke. Coat, ca-po’. Coffee, kau’-py. Cold, cole; tshis. Comb, comb. Comb, to, mam’-ook comb. Come, to, chah-ko. Confess, to, yi’-em. Conjuring, ta-mah-no-us. Cook, to, mam’-ook pi’-ah. Copper, pil chik’-a-min. Cord, ten’-as lope. Corn, e-salt’h’, or ye-salt’h’. Corral, kul-lagh. Cotton goods, sail. Cough, hoh’-hoh. Count, to, mam’-ook kwun’-nun. Cousin, see brother and sister. Coyote, tal’-a-pus. Crab apple, pow’-itsh. Cranberry, so’-le-mie. Crazy, pel’-ton. Cream colored, le clem. Crooked, ki’-wa. Cross, la clo-a’. Crow, kah-kah. Cry, to, cly. Cup, oos’-kan. Curly, hunl’-kih. Cut, to, tl’ko’-pe.