Muck-a-muck, n., v. Quaere u. d. MAKAMAK (Hale). To eat; to bite; food. Muckamuck chuck, &c., to drink water, or other liquid. Neither Chinook nor Chihalis. Mr. Anderson considers it an invented word.
Mus’-ket, n. English, idem. A gun or musket. Stick musket, a bow.
Na. The interrogative particle. Ex. Mika na klatawa okook sun? do you go to-day? Interrogation is, however, often conveyed by intonation only.
Na-ah, _n._ Chinook, TLKANAA. _A mother._ (Hale.) Peculiar to the Columbia, and now in fact obsolete, the Euglish MA’MA being used instead.
Nah, interj. Common to several languages. Look here! I say! Nah sikhs! halloo, friend! Also used in common conversation to call attention to some point not thoroughly understood. In the Yakama language, it is the sign of the vocative; as, nah tehn! O man.
Nan’-itsh, v. Quaere u. d. To see; look; look for; seek. Nanitsh! look there! kloshe nanitsh! look out! take care! cultus nanitsh, to look round idly, or from curiosity only. Mamook nanitsh, to show. The word is neither Chinook nor Chihalis. Dr. Scouler gives nannanitch as Nootka and Columbian. It is possibly tbe former.
Nau’-its, adv. Chihalis, NOITSH. Mr. Hale gives this for off shore; on the stream. It means, according to Mr. Anderson, the sea-beach, and is not properly a Jargon word.
Na-wit’-ka, adv. Chinook, idem; Klikatat and Yakama, N’WITKA. Yes; certainly; yes indeed; to be sure. Nawitka wake nika kumtuks, indeed I don’t know. In answer to a negative question, many Indians use it as affirming the negative. Ex. Wake mika nanitsh? did you not see [it]? Nawitka, I did not.
Nem, _n._ English, NAME. _A name._ Mamook nem, _to name, or call by name._
Ne-nam-ooks, _n._ Chinook, ENANAMUKS. _The land otter._
Ne si’-ka, pron. Chinook, NISAIKA. We; us; our.
Ne’-whah. Chinook, NIWHA. It seems to be an adverb used, as is often the case, as a verb, the meaning being hither, come, or bring it hither. Ex. Newhah nika nanitsh, here, let me see it.
Ni’-ka, pron. Chinook, NAIKA. I; me; my; mine.
Nose, n. English, idem. The nose; also, a promontory. Boat nose, the bow of a boat.
O’-koke, or O’-kook, _pron._ Chinook, OKOeK. _This; that; it._ Iktah okook? _what is that?_ okook sun, _to-day;_ okook klaksta, _he who;_ okook klaska, _they_ (being present). It is often abbreviated to _oke;_ as, _oke sun._
O’-la-pits-ki, n. Chinook, OOeLPITSKI. (Hale.) Fire. Not properly a Jargon word.