Ik’-kik, n. Chinook, IKKIK._A fish-hook._
Ik-poo’-ie, v. Chinook, IKHPUI. To shut. Ikpooie la pote, shut the door; mamook ikpooie, to surround; ikpooie kwillan, deaf.
Ikt, or Icht, adj. Chinook, IKHT. One; once. Used also as the indefinite article. Ikt man, a man; ikt-ikt man, some one or other; here and there one; ikt nika klatawa kopa yakka house, I have been once to his house.
Ik’-tah, pron. Chinook, IKTA. What. Iktah okook, what is that? iktah mika tikegh, what do you want? iktah, well, what now?
Ik’-tah, _n._ From the foregoing. _A thing; goods; merchandise; clothing._ Hyiu tenas iktah, _a great many trifles._ The use of the same word for _what_ and for _things,_ has been noticed in some other languages of this coast.
Il’-la-hie, n. Chinook, ILAHEKH. The ground; the earth; dirt. Tipso illahie, prairie; saghallie illahie, mountains, or high land; heaven; hyiu illahie kopa, dirty (literally, much dirt upon).
In’-a-ti, or Een-a-ti, prep., adv. Chinook, INATAI. Across; opposite to; on the other side of. Inati chuck, on the other side of the river; klatawa inati, to cross over.
Ip’-soot, v. a., v. n. Chinook, ALHUPSO. To hide one’s self, or any thing; to keep secret. Ipsoot klatawa, to steal off; ipsoot wau-wau, to whisper.
Is’-ick, n. Chinook, ISIK. A paddle. Mamook isick, to paddle.
Is’-ick stick, n. Chinook and English. The ash. Literally, paddle-wood.
Is’-kum, v. Chinook, idem. To take; take hold of; hold; get. Iskum okook lope, hold on to that rope; mika na iskum? did you get it?
It’-lan, or It’h-lan, n. Chinook, ITHLANA. A fathom; the length of the extended arms.
It’-lo-kum, n. Chinook, idem; Chihalis, SETLOKUM. The game of “hand,"—a common amusement. Mamook itlokum, to gamble.
Itl’-wil-lie, n. Chinook, ETLWILI. The flesh; meat of any animal. Konaway nika itlwillie sick, all my flesh is sore.
Its’-woot, or Its’-hoot, n. Chinook, EITSHHUT. A black bear. Itshoot paseesie, thick dark cloth or blankets.
Kah, adv. Chinook, KAKH. Where; whither; whence. Kah mika mitlite? where do you live? konaway kah, everywhere; kah-kah, here and there.
Kah’-kah, n. Chinook and Nisqually (by onoma.), SKAKA. A crow.
Kah-kwa, adv. Nootka; Tokwaht, ACHKO. Like; similar to; equal with; as. Kahkwa nika tumtum, so I think (literally, such [is] my heart); kahkwa hyas nika, as large as I; kahkwa spose, as if; kloshe kahkwa, that is right; good so.